A night filled with a lot of light and medium weight games.
- Leslie Barkley
- Dave and Martha Briggs
- Dave Fair
- Todd Heidenreich
- Doug Hoylman
- Bob and Ben Jones
- Mike Mullins
- Eric Reinhold
- Bill Salvatore
When Eric arrived, he joined Ben and I for Cheeky Monkey. There's always one player who consistently draws the same animal after two or three pulls and this time it was Eric. I won 50 to Ben's 25 to Eric's 19.
We then pulled out Knizia's Bucket Brigade which is a reprint of Honeybears. My first round score put me ahead and gave me the game. Bob 23+27+28=78. Eric 17+26+28=71. Ben 16+27+28=71.
While Catan continued, Dave joined us for the great filler Uptown. After a strong start, I stuttered and died, while Ben managed to connect his far flung groups. Neither of us could hold on, though, against Eric. Final scores (groups/captured tiles) were Eric 2/5, Bob 2/8, Dave 2/9, Todd 2/12 and Ben 4/6.
Next a group tried Tiki Topple, a Gamewright game I bought at Barnes & Noble. The bits are very nice, featuring nine awesome resin tiki heads. Gameplay is a little bit Guillotine with a little bit Schrille Stille. This filler will get a lot of play. Leslie 26, Mike 18, Doug 13, Bill 9.
We mixed the groups into two 5 player games. One group played two games of Race for the Galaxy with The Gathering Storm expansion. The first game was over very quickly and the scores were pretty close, the second game considerably less so. First game - Eric 25, Bill 22, Bob 22, Dave F 18, Todd 17. Second game - Dave F 52, Bob 35, Todd 32, Eric 27, and Bill 26.
Meanwhile, the other group played the Egyptian-themed bidding game Ra. Final scores were Martha 43, Doug 42, Mike 32, Leslie 29, and Dave B 27.
Tiki Topple again hit the table. Bob and Ben tied at 21, Dave F 16 and Bill 5.
The other group played one last game, the popular Cheeky Monkey. Dave B and Leslie tied at 30, Mike 21, Martha 8 and Doug 4.
Hope to see you next time!