Sunday, December 06, 2015

GCOM-Milestone, December 5th

I was surprised and happy at the great attendance for our inaugural session at GCOM-Milestone.

People in attendance:

  • David & Noreen Fair
  • Henry Ho
  • Bob and Carol Jones
  • Alf Shupe
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jen Glinzak
  • Eric Haas
  • Mark Broski
  • Eric and Laura Reinhold
Games played (players listed in finishing order):
  • Pi Mal Pflaumen (Nick 36, Jen 35, Alf, 30, Eric H. 28, Dave 20)
    • This is an interesting little bidding/trick taking game with set collection. Great artwork. The game play may not be very deep, but it works and is a nice filler.
  • Black Spy (Dave -5, Eric H. 0, Alf 34, Mark 91)
    • The game is a little like Hearts, but with different point values for certain cards, and the ability to dodge tricks by following with numbers rather than suits.
  • Libertalia (Eric H. 66, Jen 61, Alf 58, Nick 57)
    • This is a tactical card game of pirates and treachery. I had never heard of it before, but it is in BGG's top 250 so may be worth checking out.
  • Shakespeare (Bob, Henry, Carol, Noreen)
    • Bob and Carol won a copy of this game at Euroquest and have been tying to get it to the table ever since. It involves bidding for turn order with the player who bids the least actions getting to start. Sounds interesting.
  • Dice City (Eric R. 51, Laura & Dave tied at 49, Mark 47)
    • When I got this game, the box was so heavy I thought it must have tons of dice in it, but it only has 25. The weight comes from the massive player boards. It was an interesting resource management and building game. I often felt that there was not enough ways to carry over progress from one turn to the next, but maybe we were all just too conservative.
  • Splendor (Alf 15, Henry 15, Eric H, 9)
    • So I asked Noreen how you play Splendor and have 2 people get to 15, and it turns out there was a miscount, so the game went on a bit longer than it should have. Alf reached 15 first, but miscounted, and the game stopped when Henry got there a bit later. LOL.
  • Codenames (2 plays)
    • Game One: W: Dave, Noreen, Alf, Jen L: Bob, Eric H., Henry
    • Game Two: W: Noreen, Alf, Carol, Jen L: Dave, Bob, Eric H., Henry
    • A great party game for any number, Codenames has 2 players trying to get their team to pick the right 8-9 words from a set of 25 before the other team picks theirs. Equally fun as the clue-giver, and as the guesser, in my opinion, and the best party game in a long time.
  • Igel Argern (Alf, Noreen, Dave, Eric H., Henry)
    • A tactical racing game of hedgehogs. A favorite of Doug Hoylman's, a good friend and gamer whom we will miss at the table.
Thanks for coming out everyone, we will see you in January!

Lebertalia image from BGG user Niquilibrium

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Germantown 10/05/15

Attendance:  16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Dave, Andrew & Noreen Fair
  • Henry Ho
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Laura & Eric Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Sears

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Favor of the Pharoah - Leslie, Dave, Noreen, Rich
Dark Moon - Paul/Andrew/Laura/Kelsey won.  Bob/Jenn/Nick lost.
Around the World in 80 Days - Gordon 68, Rebecca 73, Chris 75, Eric 83, Doug 90, Henry did not finish
Port Royal - Henry 12, Chris 12, Eric 8, Gordon 7, Doug 6, Rebecca 5
New York 1901 - Dave 66, Noreen 59, Leslie 56, Rich 54
Qwixx - Paul 80, Andrew 71, Laura 64, Bob 53
Cacao - Noreen 67, Dave 62, Leslie 61

Dark Moon image by Evan Derrick on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 11/29/15.

Germantown 09/21/15

Attendance:  16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Dave, Noreen & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Laura & Eric Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Sears
  • Howard Wagner

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Acquire - Gordon $42,500, Carol $23,800, Laura $23,300, Chris $17,800, Howard $16,600, Laura $15,500.
Castles of Burgundy - Doug 202, Eric 196, Rich 180
Kraftwagen - Dave 71, Bob 70, Nick 40, Kelsey 31
Codenames - Nick/Bob/Andrew/Leslie/Henry won. Dave/Noreen/Randy/Kelsey lost.
Black Spy - Doug 57, Paul 70, Chris 111, Howard 118, Gordon 124
Port Royal - Leslie 14, Henry 10, Bob 7, Paul 5

Kraftwagen image by Beatrix Schilke on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 11/29/15.

Germantown 09/07/15

Attendance:  12

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Dave, Noreen, & Andrew Fair
  • Henry Ho
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Howard Wagner

Since it was Labor Day, we started a couple hours early, which allowed us to play many more games.

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Fairy Tale - Carol 40, Rich 37, Bob 34, Paul 32
Fairy Tale - Rich 49, Paul 42, Carol 42, Bob 36
Port Royal - Dave 14, Howard 12, Noreen 9, Kelsey 8, Andrew 6
Thurn & Taxis - Henry 20, Eric 19, Doug 14, Laura 10
Splendor - Bob 16, Paul 10, Rich 9, Andrew 7
Rondo (incorrectly) - Andrew 66, Henry 59, Bob 58
Rondo (correctly) - Andrew 102, Henry 93, Bob 80
Istanbul - Paul 5, Doug 4, Eric 4, Laura 3, Rich 2
Alhambra - Kelsey 94, Howard 83, Carol 82, Dave 73, Noreen 67, Leslie 63
Showmanager - Paul 54, Henry 44, Bob 40, Doug 38, Rich 27, Andrew 18
Port Royal - Henry 12, Doug 9, Bob 8, Paul 6, Andrew 6
Port Royal - Howard 12, Leslie 10, Noreen 7, Dave 4, Carol 3

Rondo image by Fran F G on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 11/29/15.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Germantown 08/31/15 - PIRATES!

Attendance:  13

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Dave, Noreen, & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Sears (formerly Wottawa)
Arr! The theme for this fifth Monday was Pirates! And amazingly, for the first time, every game we played matched the theme!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Buried Treasure - Randy, Doug
Cartagena - Randy, Doug, Bob
Jamaica - Rich 20, Dave 6, Leslie 5, Carol -1, Noreen -1, Andrew -2
Rum & Pirates - Kelsey 74, Jenn 71, Nick 62, Bob 55, Chris 53
Cartagena - Dave 7, Andrew 3, Rich 1
Port Royal - Andrew 12, Rich 6, Dave 3
Viceroy - Randy 70, Leslie 62, Doug 49, Noreen 21
Port Royal - Bob 13, Chris 12, Jenn 9, Nick 7

Jamaica image by Cássio F. Lemos on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 10/17/15.

Germantown 08/17/15

Attendance:  15

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Nicole Perez
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Howard Wagner
Welcome, Nicole!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Alhambra - Nick 111, Dave 105, Leslie 99, Carol 80, Doug 74
Arkadia - Aubrey 105, Shannon 102, Bob 98, Nicole 72
Puerto Rico - Ethan 51, Eric 37, Laura 34, Howard 30, Kelsey 27
Einfach Genial - Bob 16, Aubrey 14, Shannon 9/12, Nicole 9/9
Princes of Florence - Dave 65, Carol 44, Leslie 41, Randy 40, Doug 37
Geschenkt - Shannon 15, Ethan 18, Bob 29, Aubrey 41, Nicole 48
Geschenkt - Ethan 5, Bob 16, Nicole 17, Shannon 33, Aubrey 60

Arkadia image by Chris Norwood on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 10/17/15.

Germantown 08/03/15

Attendance:  16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Howard Wagner
  • Chris Wottawa

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Sushi Go - Carol 49, Bob 47, Paul 42
Roll For It - Bob 40, Carol 34, Paul 5
Race for the Galaxy - Chris 45, Eric 32, Rebecca 23, Gordon 23
Euphoria - Aubrey 10 (6), Howard 10 (4), Randy 9, Shannon 7
Alhambra - Rich 94, Laura 88, Dave 80, Doug 67, Leslie 45, Noreen 45
Trains - Paul 34, Bob 33, Carol 30
Big Points - Bob 35, Paul 26, Carol 24
Uptown - Gordon 1, Rebecca 1 (tie), Chris 2, Rich 3
Lanterns: The Harvest Festival - Dave 44, Doug 42, Noreen 41, Leslie 41
7 Wonders - Howard 65, Shannon 60, Paul 55, Bob 54, Aubrey 53, Randy 52, Carol 42

Lanterns image by François + Daphné on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 10/17/15.

Saturday, August 01, 2015

Germantown 07/20/15

Attendance:  16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Liz & Scott Percival
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Howard Wagner
  • Chris Wottawa

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Ascension - Doug 69, Gordon 65, Chris 59
Istanbul - Bob 5, Howard 4, Scott 4, Liz 3
Hanging Gardens - Shannon 59, Leslie 57, Aubrey 39
Alhambra - Carol 110, Dave 106, Noreen 86, Nick 83, Kelsey 81, Jenn 51
Black Spy - Noreen 19, Kelsey 28, Carol 39, Dave 48, Jenn 91, Nick 135 (ouch)
Chinatown - Shannon 94, Aubrey 88, Leslie 85, Chris 85, Gordon 67
Taj Mahal - Bob 52, Scott 48, Howard 37, Doug 32, Liz 20

Ascension image by José Carlos de Diego on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 08/01/15.

Germatown 07/06/15

Attendance:  18

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Andrew, Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Cynthia Lewis
  • Rich Parker
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Howard Wagner
  • Stephanie & Sammy White
  • Chris Wottawa

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Blue Moon City - Gordon 5, Doug 4, Stephanie 3
Alhambra - Kelsey 84, Dave 82, Cynthia 81, Nick 80, Noreen 55, Leslie 42
Princes of Florence - Howard 76, Carol 58, Sammy 53, Rich 48
Tichu - Noreen/Cynthia 230, Leslie/Kelsey 70
Tichu (3-handed) - Leslie 600, Noreen 420, Table 330, Cynthia 250
Web of Power - Howard 63, Carol 61, Sammy 45
Lords of Waterdeep - Chris 169, Rebecca 155, Andrew 151, Randy 137, Bob 111
Amun Re - Dave 51, Stephanie 45, Nick 42, Doug 36, Gordon 28

Lords of Waterdeep image by Kristo Vaher on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 08/01/15.

Germantown 06/29/15 - ITALY

Attendance:  16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Barbara Colomer
  • Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa

Welcome, Barbara! Our theme for this fifth Monday of the month was Italy!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Ave Caesar - Noreen 17, Shannon 14, Aubrey 14, Barbara 8, Leslie 6, Laura 4
Freedom (not thematic) - Lost, but freed 12 of 24 slaves.
Condottiere - Leslie/Noreen (tied), Bob, Aubrey, Shannon
Colosseum - Carol 77, Jenn 75, Kelsey 71, Chris 62, Nick 62
Zen Garden (not thematic) - Doug 7, Ethan 6, Randy 3, Rich 3
Condottiere - Bob 6, Aubrey 5, Leslie 2, Noreen 2, Shannon 1

Condottiere image by Frank Wimmer on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 08/01/15.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Germantown 06/15/15

Attendance:  9

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Nick Ferris
  • Christine Fiedler
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
With Bob and Carol out of town, a group gathered at the Wegmans cafe. Thanks to Leslie who kept track of the results.

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Bang - Sheriff Randy won
Bang - Sheriff Christine won
Ticket to Ride - Eric, 144, Laura 125, Kelsey 116 (1st time played), Rich 100
Sushi Go - Nick 39, Rich 36, Leslie 34, Christine 30, Jen 29
Kingsburg - Christine 50, Randy 49, Leslie 28
Gravwell (called at midnight) - Leslie won

Posted by Bob on 06/25/15.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Germantown 06/01/15

Attendance:  17

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Dave, Noreen & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Henry Ho
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Howard Wagner
  • Chris Wottawa

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Alhambra - Howard 85, Nick 85, Kelsey 78, Eric 61, Jenn 52, Bob 32
Alhambra - Noreen 88, Leslie, Carol, Chris, Dave, Laura
Exxtra - Carol 21, Laura 20, Chris 19, Leslie 15, Dave 14, Noreen 2
Castles of Burgundy - Doug 222, Henry 218, Ethan 203, Andrew 203
Medici - Carol 112, Dave 109, Noreen 100, Chris 100, Leslie 93, Laura 93
Dragon Delta - Kelsey won, Bob, Eric, Howard, Nick, Jenn
Splendor - Ethan 15, Henry 14, Doug 11

Dragon Delta image by Gary James on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 06/13/15.

Germantown 05/18/15

Attendance:  15

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Dave, Noreen & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Christine Fiedler
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Howard Wagner

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Istanbul - Bob 5, Christine 4, Doug 4, Howard 4, Henry 3
Rococo - Rich 62, Jenn 55, Andrew 50, Nick 44, Noreen 41
Ra - Doug 34, Christine 34, Henry 33, Bob 32, Howard 31
Viticulture - Randy 41, Kelsey 37, Dave 34, Carol 27, Leslie 24

Rococo image by Henk Rolleman  on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 06/13/15.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Travelling Through Tuscany: A Wine-Tasting Journey in 8 Parts

For 8 of the last 9 sessions at GCOM-Germantown, we have played Viticulture along with it's Expansion set, Tuscany. The Tuscany expansion consists of 11 mini expansions, designed at three tiers. The first two tiers are all designed to be played together, while the three on the third tier are intended to be separate. Rather than playing as the book suggests, by adding one expansion per session and restarting in a different order after you reach the third tier, we added two expansions each week, and then after all 8 tier one and two expansion were in, just played the three tier 3 one ofter the other.

Here are my thoughts on the base game, and each of the expansions.

Viticulture is a worker placement game where each game turn represents a year, and each season of that year (summer and winter) is played separately, but with the same workers (you do not get your workers back until the new year). At the start of the game, you have but three workers. Money and actions are very tight, and it costs money to get more workers and take more actions, so there is a lot of tension in the game right from the start. I thought things were a little too difficult in the base version of the game for players to get an engine going, but I think if I were to go back and play it again now, with the experience I have, I may feel differently. Still, a recommended game and one i would be happy to play again, even now when we have played it 8 times since January 1.

Tier 1 Expansions

Mamas & Papas: In the normal game everyone starts with 3 workers (one of which, the Grande, is special and allows you to go to an action site even if there are no more remaining placement spots available there), one Pinot Grape Vine Card, 3 coins, and 1 Summer Visitor Card. This expansion gives you two Mama cards and 2 Papa cards. You choose one of each type and get the items that your parents have bequeathed to you. Mamas typically give you 2 workers and three cards, often a vine, a visitor, and something else, while the Papas usually give a Grande Worker, some cash, then either more cash or a building. I think, since it takes an action to build a building that the building is almost always the better option on the papa cards, but only if it was one you were going to build soon anyway. The cards are all balanced pretty well and offer a way to guide your strategy in the early game. I rate this expansion a 10 out of 10 and consider it a must-use in future plays.

Property: In the base game, you have three vineyards in which you can plant vines. Even if you find you only use 2 of them, you still have three. With this expansion, you have the option of mortgaging one of them for a quick influx of cash, or, later in the game, you can buy one back when cash is plentiful but you need more room to plant. You have three fields, and their mortgage values are 5, 6, & 7 coins, so you have a choice of how much to get, and how much to pay back later. This is another must-use (10 out of 10) expansion for me, especially as cash is so hard to come by early on.

Patronage: This expansion introduces the Patronage card. Each player is dealt one at the beginning of the game, and it offers a spot to sell any wine worth 5 or more and earn 3 victory points (normally one must acquire an order card and sell the type(s) of wine listed exactly, in the value listed (or greater) to earn victory points. In addition, the card has listed on it an end-game condition that, should you fulfill, is worth 2 victory points. This gives another way to guide your strategy and is a nice benefit in that you can make some victory points without meeting the order cards more exacting requirements. It is not a must-use though, but it is still very good. 8 out of 10.

Advanced Visitors: There are 2 types of Visitor Cards. Summer and Winter. Each can only be played in the appropriate season. In the base game, some are good early, and some are good late in the game. With this expansion, they replace most of the cards like that and give them a choice of benefits, often one that is better early, and one that is better later on. This is a great thing, as there is a hand limit, and it hurts to have to throw away a card that was acquired with some amount of difficulty due to it not being useful yet. Must-use, 10 out of 10.

As you can see, I really liked the Tier One expansions. The next time I play Viticulture, I would rather play with all of them than play the base game alone, so much so that while I would like to play the base game one more time just to compare it mentally, I think the game without the Tier One expansions would be about 2 points lower on the BGG Scale than it would be with them. None of them are so difficult that, on their own, they would make it tough for a new player to add them to the game, though adding all 4 in a game with new players may be a bit much in the rules overload department, or would at least not give them a baseline of experience in which to make good decisions (I'm looking at you, Mamas and Papas).

Tier 2 Expansions

New Visitors: New Visitor cards are added in to the game in addition to the cards from the base game, and the changed cards, giving some new strategies and benefits. I liked all of them, didn't feel that any of them broke the game or anything like that, and if they were in the base game with new players, wouldn't be a problem. It also reduces shuffling and give more variety in what cards you can expect to see. Must-use, 10 out of 10.

Extended Board: Here is where things really get shaken up. The extended board changes the game from two worker placement seasons to four. They shuffle which season some actions are in, add in a spring and fall season, add a new mechanism for turn order, a trading spot to trade around cards/money/points/etc for other items, and a new influence map that can gain victory points at game end as well as cards and/or money during the game. This is really only for people with multiple games under their belt as you need some planning experience to be effective here. I think the added complexity is great, but it does add at least 30 minutes to the game. Recommended with players with 1-2 games under their belts, 7 out of 10 only due to the time addition.

Special Workers: This is really 11 different mini expansions in one. In the base game, and with all but a few combinations of parents you start with 3 workers and can gain only 3 more. With this expansion you can spend an extra coin when gaining a worker to gain one of 2 different special workers (chosen at random for that game) that, when you place them, give an extra ability. This ranges from bumping another worker out of a spot you needed, to getting a card if you place this worker last, to placing in a future season. Some of the powers of these workers were so clearly valuable that everyone took them in the games they were available, while others only had slight or conditional benefits, that favored certain strategic paths. I liked the variety, but wouldn't feel remiss if this were not included in a game. Moderate recommendation, 6 out of 10.

Structures: In the base game, there are buildings you can construct that give you benefits, allowing you to plant more valuable grapes, store and age more valuable wines, collect more visitors, get more money when giving a wine tasting, etc. This expansion adds cards that add even more types of buildings with a wider variety of effects. After playing several games with them, it felt like many of the card costs and benefits simply did not align. Many cards gave great benefits and were easy to build, while some were much harder to build and the benefits were not as readily useful. You must already be using the Extended Board expansion above to use this expansion. Slight recommendation, 4 out of 10.

Tier Two offered a more mixed bag. The New Visitors could easily be used in any game, and should be, I think. The Extended Board is needed for all the Tier 3 Expansions, and I like the Influence Map and the Turn Order Changes offer some variety but the added complexity lengthens the game. The Special Workers and Structures are both just OK.

Tier 3 Expansions

Mafia: The least complex of the Tier Three expansions, it basically involved blind trading of cards hoping to get the highest valued, or at least not the lowest valued, at the end of the game. Didn't do much for me. Not recommended, 2 out of 10

Formaggio: Adds cheese-making to the game. In addition to all the steps in making wine, it adds steps to produce, store, and sell cheeses. The biggest problem I found was that, while it looked like it could be lucrative, it involved a second path to points that required to ignore the wine-making path, at least to some degree. That made it seem to daunting and no one pursued it much in our game. I would like to try it again before rendering final judgement (as if any of my thoughts here were final), but I am in no great hurry to do so. Slight recommendation, 3 out of 10, maybe going higher with more plays.

Arboriculture: Adds apple growing/selling, tomato sauce production, and olive oil to the game. In contrast to the Formaggio Expansion, the path to making these generate Victory Points was integrated into the path to making victory points via Wine Production. That made it seem more viable, and more a true part of the game that everyone would make use of. Highly Recommended, 8 out of 10.

Thanks for reading, and if you are interested in playing Viticulture/Tuscany, please save a seat for me, I really enjoy this game.


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Germantown 05/04/15

Attendance:  16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Dave, Noreen & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Christine Fiedler
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Howard Wagner
  • Chris Wottawa

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Toss It In the Trash - Nick 0, Laura -2, Chris -7, Eric -12
California Gold - Howard 12, Doug 10, Henry 10, Rich 7, Bob 7
AquaSphere - Christine 76, Laura 76, Nick 74
No Thanks - Bob 29, Howard 33, Henry 41, Doug 84
Castles of Burgundy - Chris 214, Eric 205, Noreen 156
Viticulture/Tuscany - Dave 41, Leslie 32, Carol 25, Randy 24, Andrew 17

AquaSphere image by Andreas Resch on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 05/21/2015.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Germantown 04/20/15

Attendance:  16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Andrew & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Christine Fiedler
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Chris Wottawa
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Istanbul - Gordon 5, Paul 4, Bob 4, Rebecca 3, Henry 2
Shadows over Camelot - Knights won (Nick, Jenn, Rich, Chris, Eric, Laura). Christine (first time playing) was the Traitor
Uptown - Paul 1, Bob 3, Henry 3
Splendor - Henry 15, Bob 8, Christine 4, Paul 0
Viticulture - Kelsey 28, Dave 28, Randy 26, Andrew 24, Leslie 16, Carol 12

Uptown image by Ender Wiggins on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 05/17/15.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Germantown 04/06/15

Attendance:  7

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Christine Fiedler
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bill Salvatore
  • Alf Schupe

The Jones family was out of town so seven stalwarts met at the Wegmans cafe.

No scores were kept, but games played were:

Castles of Burgundy (twice)

Posted by Bob on 05/12/15.

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Gemantown 03/30/15

Attendance:  17

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Andrew, Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Christine Fiedler
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Ben & Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Qwixx - Randy 84, Christine 60
La Isla - Andrew 75, Doug 57, Eric 50, Laura 25 (scores low due to missed rule)
Age of War - Doug 18, Eric 8, Andrew 5, Laura 4
Istanbul - Gordon 5, Christine 3, Bob 3, Noreen 3, Henry 2
Viticulture - Dave 35, Randy 23, Carol 17, Leslie 14
Francis Drake - Ben 92, Rich 83, Nick 67, Jenn 65, Rebecca 64
Bohnanza - Noreen 12, Doug 11, Henry 10, Gordon 10, Christine 9, Bob 7, Andrew 4

La Isla image by Ann Th. on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 05/05/15,

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Gemantown 03/16/15

Attendance:  18

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Nick Ferris
  • Christine Fiedler
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Shayla Word
  • Chris Wottawa
Welcome, Shayla and Christine!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Werewolf Inquisition - Werewolves (Jenn, Chris) won. Villagers (Nick, Leslie, Rich).
Istanbul - Christine 5 (10), Doug 5 (1), Ethan 4, Kelsey 4, Randy 3
Concept - Jenn 14, Nick 10, Leslie 8, Rich 8, Chris 8
Sushi Go! - Kelsey, Randy 35 (tie), Ethan 30, Doug 22, Christine 19
Port Royal - Leslie 12, Jenn 9, Nick 8, Rich 8
Tichu - Jenn & Leslie 315, Nick & Rich 285
Caylus - Bob 60, Henry 56, Carol 44, Alf 39, Cynthia 34
Pandemic - Disease won.  Rebecca, Chris, Gordon and Shayla lost.
Splendor - Randy 15, Christine 9, Doug 8, Ethan 7
Uptown - Rebecca, Shayla, Gordon

Concept image by Ann Th. on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 04/12/15.

Germantown 03/02/15

Attendance:  18

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Andrew, Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Port Royal - Noreen 12, Chris 10, Jenn 8, Rich 8, Nick 3.
Mermaid Rain - Eric 62, Paul 59, Laura 48, Doug 46
Age of War - Jenn 12, Chris 10, Nick 8, Noreen 5, Rich 2
Blue Moon City - Bob 5, Rebecca 4, Gordon 4 (Rebecca should have won but misunderstood a rule)
Qwixx -Nick 61, Jenn 52, Noreen 48, Chris 45, Rich 36
Age of War - Rebecca 11, Paul 9, Noreen 6, Jenn 3, Doug 3, Gordon 2
Heir to Europa (Nick Ferris, author) - Bob 13, Chris 6, Rich 5, Nick 3
Port Royal - Bob 12, Chris 8, Nick 7
6 Nimmt - Paul 21, Randy 41, Doug 43, Leslie 58, Jenn 67, Carol 80
Viticulture - No scores recorded (players: Dave, Leslie, Kelsey, Andrew, Carol, Randy)

Port Royal image by Daniel Danzer on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 04/12/15.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Germantown 02/16/15

Attendance:  11

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Andrew, Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Bob Jones
  • Cynthia Lewis
  • Erik Light
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Kelsey Smith
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Coup - Kelsey, Randy, Dave, Noreen, Andrew, Bob
Splendor - Bob 15, Erik 12, Cynthia 12, Noreen 8
Saint Malo - Bob 36, Erik 35, Cynthia 22, Noreen 21
Viticulture - Dave 22, Andrew 16, Kelsey 15, Leslie 13, Randy 11
Ave Caesar - Bob 15, Rebecca 9, Erik 8, Gordon 3, Noreen 2, Cynthia 1
Istanbul - Randy 5, Andrew 4, Leslie 4, Dave 4
6 Nimmt - Randy 6, Cynthia 14, Bob 31, Erik 46, Dave 52, Leslie 55, Rebecca 55, Andrew 69, Noreen 70, Gordon 76

Ave Caesar image by Nick Case on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 03/19/15.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Kosmos Two Player Series - Lord of the Rings: The Duel by Peter Neugebauer

Not a classic like Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation, neither is it the uninspiring and confused Lord of the Rings: The Search by the same designer. Lord of the Rings: The Duel by Peter Neugebauer holds the middle ground. A fun card game of quick combat between Gandalf and the Balrog over a chasm, on the bridge of Khazad Dum.

Each player has a deck with twenty-seven cards. Four duels will be played, three preliminary and one final. For the preliminary duels, each player will draw nine cards from his deck, play six, and save the remaining three for the final duel. After three rounds, during the final duel, the players will play all nine remaining cards; careful planning is important so that you have some good cards left.

Scoring is done on the cool bridge on which stylish wooden figures represent Gandalf and the Balrog. At the end of the game, whichever piece is closest to the top of the bridge, wins.

First round card play

The cards themselves are pretty clever. On the right side is an attack strength, indicated by zero to four "magical symbols". On the left side is a defense strength, also indicated by a number of magical symbols. All cards are played next to each other in a line, so the card you are playing defends against the card played by your opponent, then attacks the other player's next card. For every undefended symbol, a point is scored, moving your cube up the energy track. After all cards are played in a round, the difference in the players' progress on the energy track determines how much the winner moves up the bridge, from one to three steps.

Each deck also contains a few special cards like the Balrog's Whip, which allows the player to pick up and reuse an already played card, or Gandalf's Magic which lets him discard a card played by the Balrog. A timely play with one of the special cards can turn around a duel going badly.

After the fourth duel, the player higher up the bridge wins. If both are on the same level, the winner of the final duel is the winner of the game.

The Balrog and Gandalf at two points each.

Carol, as Gandalf, started out by crushing me in the first duel and moving up two steps. I tied the game during the second duel. During the third duel, I went ahead by moving up a single step. Carol managed to win the fourth and final duel, moving up another step, and putting the game into a tie, which gave her (and the forces of good) the victory.

The end of the Final Duel

Coming up:  We recreate the War of the Roses in Rosenkonig.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Kosmos Two Player Series - Druidenwalzer by Michael Rieneck

I consider Druidenwalzer to be one of the most beautiful games in the series as well as one of the most challenging. The art by Andreas Steiner is lovely and the gameplay, based on Mancala, is filled with subtle strategy while getting tighter and more tense as the game progresses. Carol, on the other hand, hates it.

Please note that what is to follow are a lot of references to spirits, faeries and other flighty topics.

Each player represents one of the two Druid cults, The Suns and The Moons. Each cult has four trees it protects from subversion by the other cult. The player who subverts two of his opponent's trees wins the game.

Each player starts with Druids (colored cones) on three of his trees. Only trees with Druids may be subverted by the other cult. Each tree has five Spirit cards with a value from one to five below it. When a player plays a Spirit card from his hand onto a tree, the Spirits dance, and a tree or even multiple trees might be subverted.

The game is set up and ready to go.

On your turn you have three choices. You may play a Spirit card, discard a Spirit card, or Move a Druid. Moving a Druid is the easiest, you simply move one of your Druids to an unoccupied tree. Since only trees with Druids can be subverted, you are now protecting the empty tree. Of course, once you've lost a tree, you have a Druid on every tree, so moving a Druid is no longer an option.

Discarding a Spirit card from your hand or one of your trees is a way to get weak or problematic cards out of the way. Unfortunately, you have a limited number of cards so if you discard too many, you become vulnerable to losing a tree from lack of cards.

The main action in the game is playing a Spirit card. You place a card from your hand onto a Spirit card pile in front of one of your trees, then move the Faerie Ring onto that tree. Each tree has a number from one to four and the tree you choose determines how far the Spirits will dance. The card itself determines in which direction, clockwise or counter-clockwise, the Spirits will dance, as well as which Spirits will dance. For example, if I play a value 3 Spirit card with a clockwise arrow on tree number 2, all 3 value Spirit cards from both players will move clockwise 2 spaces. The idea of the dance is to get the higher value Spirit cards to move below your trees, while getting the lower value cards to move below your opponents trees.

One of Bob's trees has been subverted by the Sun Cult.

After the dance, Druid conflict occurs. Except for the tree with the Faerie Ring, you compare the value of the Spirits protecting the trees with like-colored Druids. Generally this means that at least two trees will be in conflict every turn. The trees with the lower value Spirit get a subversion token. The winning cards are discarded and new cards flipped up in their place. If a tree gets six tokens, it is subverted and flipped over to represent its new allegiance to the other cult.

If one of your trees is ever emptied of Spirit cards, you have until the end of your next turn to get a card down on that spot or the tree is subverted.

And that's basically it. It sounds confusing and can be for a couple of turns but you get used to the strange flow of the game pretty quickly. Deciding what value of Spirit card to play on which tree and being able to visualize all the moves that will occur and the ramifications of those moves is challenging. And as the game goes on, it gets tighter as you have fewer trees and Spirit cards left, limiting your options.

Carol started out strong, hitting my trees pretty hard and I was the first to lose a tree while having five subversion tokens on another. Frankly, it looked bad for me, while Carol's damage was more widespread across all four of her trees. With our options decreasing, I managed to subvert one of her trees, and then another before losing any of mine. As you can see below, one of my trees took no damage, while one of her tree's only took one.


I really enjoyed the game and its challenges. Carol still hates it.

Coming Up:  We return to Middle Earth for the final time in Lord of the Rings: The Duel.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Kosmos Two Player Series - Elk Fest by Hermann Huber

Elk Fest is a flicking game. Yes, you read that right, a flicking game. As such, it is the simplest game in the entire Kosmos two player series and takes very little time to play.

In Elk Fest, each player is trying to get his or her Elk, Jule or Ole, (admittedly, the game pieces are actually  moose) from one riverbank to the other. You do this by flicking with your finger any of the six stepping stones and moving your Elk from stone to stone to cross the table. The rules are pretty simple. You get two flicks per turn and can move your Elk any number of times before or after a flick. To move, the Elk moves his front hooves onto a new stone, with his rear hooves moving to the stone the front hooves started on. If you drop the Elk into the water (he touches the table) then your turn is over and the other player gets three flicks on his turn. The player whose Elk touches the opposing riverbank first, wins.

Jule starts out.

One thing to remember is that after the initial turns, the players can flick any stone, so moving the stones near your opponent's Elk is an important defensive move. Most of the time, though, you're moving your Elk and your own stones, until the Elks meet in the middle of the table and things get momentarily congested.

Ole gets close to the riverbank.

My Elk, Jule, was the first to get in range of the opposing riverbank, but I muffed several flicks. Carol gave me more chances by missing several shots herself, but in the end was able to get in range and move Ole onto my bank.

Ole makes it for the win.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Kosmos Two Player Series - Lord of the Rings: The Search by Peter Neugebauer

The Search is definitely one of the stranger of the Kosmos two-player series in that it's theme is completely and utterly wrong. One player plays Frodo and the other Sam, searching Middle Earth for the One Ring and then racing to Mount Doom. Yes, you read that right. Neither has the Ring and they're both competing to find it and destroy it. What's more, finding the Ring isn't necessary to end or win the game. Once you've located and raced to Mount Doom, you count up the points and determine a winner. Oy.

I will say this up front. This game has a terrible reputation and few fans. I had tried to play it years ago with the rules included with the game and failed spectacularly. However, with the correct translation of the rules available on Boardgamegeek, the game became playable. Not great, but at least playable.

The two players start on the Shire tile, placed in the center of the table. The players alternate drawing and placing tiles until an 8x6 cross of tiles is created. Then the game commences. On your turn, you play one tile down to the board from your hand of three tiles. The terrain on the new tile must match terrain on every adjacent tile. If you create a complete, enclosed region, you immediately place an Encounter Chip matching the terrain on that space, some face up, others face down. Mountains are always two tiles while other regions can be huge. If you can't legally place a tile, place one upside down as a sort of "wild" tile.

Once you've placed your terrain tile, you can move your Hobbit to a bordering region. This is where the size of a region becomes important. If you're in a large region, you can go to any of the many bordering regions, while small regions have less options. If there is a Green or Yellow Encounter Chip (representing good characters or items) in the new region, you take it. The chip will provide some assistance to you, either in battle with the Brown chips or through special actions such as extra movement or turns. Brown Encounter Chips  (representing enemies) may require you to fight a battle. If you lose a battle, you skip one or two turns, delaying your quest, but if you win, you gain victory points. Blue chips (representing other characters or items, including the One Ring) can only be reached when you have a boat, which can be purchased with two Brown chips in your possession.

And basically, that's it. You wander around, trying to pick up as many chips as you can, defeating as many enemies as you can. You're not really searching for Mount Doom as the last tile placed on the board becomes Mount Doom. If you're closer to it when the game ends and you have the most points from the tiles, get to it and win the game. If you have fewer points, keep collecting chips while your opponent rushes to Mount Doom.

Carol and I went back and forth, collecting chips as above. While large regions give you greater movement options, they reduce the amount of Encounter Chips you can capture. Near the end, I created a bunch of smaller regions to get more chips I could reach. Finally, I turned up the last tile and quickly made my way to Mount Doom and we scored the game. I had thirty to Carol's 22, so I took victory. (Although, since the Ring was destroyed, didn't we both win?)

I like the art on the chips and most of the bits are nice. The terrain tiles are a disaster of clashing colors and weird angles, as you can see. I wouldn't mind playing again to see if there are any other strategies, but I suspect there aren't.

Coming up: Two elks compete to cross a river by hopping on stones in Elk Fest.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Germantown 02/02/15

Attendance:  18

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Andrew, Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Coal Baron - Eric 103, Nick 102, Leslie 100, Jenn 90
Istanbul - Chris 5, Rich 4, Doug 4, Kelsey 3, Bob 3
Castles of Mad King Ludwig - Carol 112, Noreen 106, Andrew 95, Dave 84
Ingenious - Doug 13, Bob 13, Rich 11, Carol 10
Kingsburg - Randy 70, Alf 47, Cynthia 38
Loco - Bob 28, Carol 24, Doug 23
Loco - Carol 23, Bob 18, Doug 15, Randy 10
Loco - Carol 26, Randy 22, Bob 18, Doug 16
Saint Malo - Gordon 61, Jen 55, Leslie 55, Nick 53, Rebecca 49
Steam Park - Dave 98, Chris 85, Noreen 76, Andrew 53

Castles of Mad King Ludwig image by Steph on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 02/15/15.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Germantown 01/19/15

Attendance:  22

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Robin Bertley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Andrew, Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Ben & Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Jason Ruvinsky
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa
Welcome, Robin Bertley!

Since it was a federal holiday, we started early and got a lot of gaming done. We also had a LOT of people attending!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

For Sale - Ben 51, Paul 50, Bob 50, Robin 45, Rich 43, Jason 24
Pairs - Andrew, Gordon, Kelsey, Rebecca, Noreen
Blokus - Shannon 4, Chris 9, Aubrey 14, Bob 19
Show Manager - Ben 46, Rebecca 42, Paul 41, Gordon 34, Rich 30, Robin 29
San Marco - Kelsey 54, Jason 39, Bob 36
Viticulture - Leslie 29, Randy 26, Nick 22, Jenn 21, Carol 20, Dave 19
Istanbul - Andrew 5, Laura 4, Eric 4, Noreen 1
Brew Crafters Travel Card Game - Jenn 24, Leslie 22, Nick 22
7 Wonders - Eric 77, Chris 66, Shannon 61, Aubrey 59, Andrew 56, Laura 51
Pairs - Shannon 17, Aubrey 13, Andrew 12, Chris 11
Alhambra - Jason 96, Kelsey 66, Rebecca 65, Noreen 62, Paul 45, Gordon 43
Innovation - Rich 4, Ben 1, Robin 0, Bob 0
Istanbul - Carol 5, Dave 4, Randy 4
Pairs - Paul, Robin, Jason, Dave, Bob, Carol, Randy, Noreen
Pairs - Bob, Carol, Dave, Randy, Jason, Noreen, Paul, Robin
Takenoko - Chris 36, Aubrey 23, Leslie 22, Shannon 15

Takenoko image by Bob Rob on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 02/08/15.

Germantown 01/05/15

Attendance:  16
  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Andrew, Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa
Tonight was the first night of a new experiment to play a game and then over subsequent sessions play that game's expansions. We started with the winemaking game, Viticulture.

Interestingly, early on in the evening, all three games we had running related to alcohol (Viticulture, Brew Crafters, and Gold Brau).

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Blokus - Shannon 1, Aubrey 2
Uptown - Aubrey 4, Shannon 6
Gold Brau - Chris 94, Laura 84, Eric 60, Bob 46
Brew Crafters - Nick 69, Jenn 51, Rich 40, Noreen 32
Splendor - Chris 17, Bob 14, Aubrey 12, Shannon 11
Viticulture - Leslie 23, Randy 19, Carol 16, Dave 11, Kelsey 11, Andrew 10
Qwixx - Chris 65, Aubrey 50, Shannon 43, Bob 42
Unnamed Game - Rich, Noreen, Jenn, Nick

Viticulture image on BGG by Jamey Stegmaier

Posted by Bob on 02/08/15.