Every week we seem to be adding someone new. In this case, we welcomed Mike Rudmann and Mark Love.
- Leslie Barkley
- Chris & Tiffany Bass
- Aubrey & Shannon Bell
- David & Martha Briggs
- Marc Drexler
- Todd Heidenreich
- Jo Hogan
- Doug Hoylman
- Bob & Ben Jones
- Nathaniel Klinger
- Eric & Laura Reinhold
- Sam Zenlizard
- Mike Rudmann
- Mark Love
Race for the Galaxy - Todd 60, Aubrey 36, Nathaniel 30
Alhambra - Doug 99, Laura 75, Eric 74, Leslie 73, Mike 71
Traumfabrik - Doug 111, Eric 84, Leslie 70
Ingenious - Shannon 17, Martha 10, Bob 9, David 8 - Shannon crushed us mere mortals.
Dominion - Nathaniel 39, Todd 33, Mark 28, Mike 19
Rheinlander - Bob 34, Shannon 34, David 34, Aubrey 27, Martha 26 - I've never actually seen a three-way tie for first before.
Can't Stop - Mark, Mike and Nathaniel did not finish.
Race for the Galaxy - Zenlizard 37, Marc 29, Jo 25, Eric 25, Leslie 20, Doug “no comment”
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation - Played two games, Bob won both over Ben.
We're up for the next two Mondays. Hope to see you!