Sunday, October 03, 2010

Germantown 09/20/10


Leslie Barkley
Aubrey & Shannon Bell
David & Martha Briggs
Nick Ferris
Ben & Bob Jones
Carol Loman
Eric & Laura Reinhold
Stacia & Howard Wagner

This was the quietest night we've had in a long while. Welcome back Nick!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Blue Moon City - Eric 4, Laura 2, Martha/David/Bob 2, Nick 1
Dixit - no scores reported.  Nick, Leslie, Laura, Eric, David, Carol
Chinatown - Howard 132,000, Stacia 105,000, Leslie 95,000, Carol 90,000
Web of Power - Stacia 44, Bob 42, Martha 40, Howard 37, Leslie 34
Pandemic - Shannon, Ben, David, Aubrey  lost 1 game, won 1 game.

Posted by Bob on 10/03/10.

Germantown 09/06/10


Leslie Barkley
Diane Fry
Jo Hogan
Doug Hoylman
Bob Jones
Nathaniel Klinger
David & Nadine Kujit
Fran Lunney
Rick & Linda Pasquale
Dan Prorok
Eric & Laura Reinhold
Jack Ridgeway
Bill Salvatore
Howard & Stacia Wagner

On this long Labor Day holiday, we had a big group and played a bunch of games.  We were happy to welcome Diane, Erik, Rick, Linda, Fran, and Jack!  And welcome back to David and Nadine!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Telestrations  - Stacia, Eric, Laura, Howard, Rick, Linda
Wasabi - Eric 22, Laura 20, Howard 16, Stacia 15
Qwirkle - David 93, Jack 92, Diane 90, Leslie 80
Settlers of Catan - Nathaniel, Fran, Jo
Alhambra - Nadine 81, Bill 81, Leslie 77, David 56, Fran 48, Jack 43
Acquire - Jack, Bill
Fast Flowing Forest Fellers - Rick, Linda, Jo
Blue Moon City - no scores reported. Fran, Bill, Nadine
Thurn and Taxis - Leslie 27, David 11, Jack 11
Qwirkle Cubes - Linda, Rick, Jo
Dominoes - Bill won 2, Jack won 1
Ticket to Ride - USA 1910 - Leslie 121, Jack 113, Aubrey 76
Showmanager - Bob 56, Leslie 44, Aubrey 41, Howard 37, Stacia 33
Stone Age - Nathaniel 118, Jo 117, Fran miserable (she said it!)
Priests of Ra - Erik 107, Eric R 91, Doug 78, Laura 40
Taj Mahal - Bob 49, Aubrey 39, Leslie 34, Dan 30
Stone Age - Erik 113, Doug 55, Francis 44
Aquadukt - Fran 49, Nathaniel 48

Posted by Bob on 10/03/10

Friday, October 01, 2010

Germantown 08/30/10


Leslie Barkley
Aubrey Bell
David & Martha Briggs
Dave & Noreen Fair
Todd Heidenreich
Doug Hoylman
Dan Hucker
Ben & Bob Jones
Nicholas Kelley
Dan Prorok
Eric & Laura Reinhold

Welcome, Dan Prorok!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Word on the Street - No scores reported.  Dave F, Laura, Leslie, Eric, Dan vs. Noreen, Doug, Dan, Aubrey
Settlers of America: Trails to Rails - Doug 3, Todd 1, Dave F 0
Tichu - Dan H/Noreen 1055, Leslie/Aubrey 345
Thurn and Taxis - Eric 34, Dan P 16, Laura 6
Blokus - Bob 3, Ben 4, Martha 14, David B 28
Coloretto Amazonas - Eric 41, Doug 40, Laura 37
Samurai - Bob 7, Dan H 5, Dan P not eligible, Noreen not eligible
Masons - David B 131, Leslie 130, Eric 115, Martha 111
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation - Ben beat Nick
Star Wars: Epic Duels - Nick, Ben, Aubrey

Posted by Bob on 10/03/10