Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Germantown 10/03/11

Attendance:  8

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Mike Rudmann
  • Stacia & Howard Wagner
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Race for the Galaxy - Howard 55, Stacia 36, Leslie 30, Eric 24
Alea Jacta Est - Doug 45, Laura 44, Mike 35, Bob 32
Coloretto - Howard 41, Eric 38, Stacia 32, Leslie 31
Roll through the Ages - Mike 35, Doug 27, Eric 24, Laura 20
Goa - Bob 41, Howard 35, Stacia 33, Leslie 25

Posted by Bob.

Germantown 09/19/11

Attendance 14

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Carol & Bob Jones
  • Linda Killian & Rick Pasquale
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Mike Rudmann
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Top & Down - Bob 24, Stacia 20, Dave 20, Howard 13
Ave Caesar - Dave 6+2, Howard 4+3, Eric 6+0, Bob 3+2, Rick 0+4, Stacia 0+1
Attika - Nick, Laura, Doug, Mike
Bohnanza - Dave 12, Bob 12, Mike 11, Howard 10, Stacia 9, Doug 8
David & Goliath - Nick 173, Eric 166, Rick/Leslie 146, Laura 100
Tichu - Leslie/Noreen 1090, Carol/Linda 570 (there's some confusion over who were the actual partners)

Posted by Bob

Germantown 09/05/11

Attendance: 11

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Pickomino - Leslie 20, Noreen 5, Doug 0
Pantheon - Bob 67, Dave 61, Aubrey 52, Nick 45
7 Wonders - Doug 66, Leslie 64, Noreen 56
Yahtzee - Noreen 265, Leslie 240, Doug 191
Puerto Rico - Shannon 52, Eric 51, Laura 36, Carol 32
Top & Down - Doug 27, Aubrey 18, Bob 1
Tichu - Leslie/Noreen 570, Dave/Nick 530

Posted by Bob.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Gaming this Saturday in Middletown


I hope to see a bunch of you this Saturday. After 2 misses we are back on this week. I made it to BGG.CON and played a few of the new releases from Essen. I am not sure any were great but a few were at least interesting. My favorite was Last Will. I also enjoyed both of the carnival/amusement park games that came out this year, Coney Island and DrumRoll. Also, I would like to announce there will be a New Year's Eve gaming party here as well. Mark your calendars. Kelly and I look forward to seeing everybody to ring in 2012.

We hope to see everyone at 3pm on Saturday and also on New Year's Eve.

