Monday, December 22, 2014

Germantown 12/15/14

Attendance:  16
  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Andrew & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Ben & Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Chris Wottawa
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Sheriff of Nottingham - Jenn 231, Nick 181, Dave 181, Andrew 150, Rich 135
7 Wonders - Ethan 64, Chris 57, Doug 55, Ben 52, Laura 47
Russian Railroads - Randy 348, Paul 309, Leslie 265. Eric 224
Ra - Chris 43, Rich 29, Ethan 24, Doug 22, Ben 19
Five Tribes - Jenn 129, Dave 125, Nick 113, Andrew 87
Qwixx - Carol 68, Paul 58, Leslie 49, Randy 47, Bob 40
One Night Werewolf - several games, various winners. (Dave, Bob, Carol, Leslie, Nick, Jenn, Andrew, Paul, Chris)

Sheriff of Nottingham image by Casey Lee on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 12/22/14.

Germantown 12/01/14

Attendance:  16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Andrew & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Henry Ho
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Acquire - Carol 30,100, Leslie 29,800, Laura 27,100, Bob 26,300, Henry 18,100, Eric 15,900
Pull! - Doug 104, Jenn 99, Nick 79
La Isla - Andrew 60, Kelsey 51, Rich 42, Dave 40
Blue Moon City - Gordon 4, Chris 3, Alf 2, Cynthia 2
Splendor - Kelsey 15, Rich 8, Chris 7, Dave 5
Ra - Eric 43, Henry 42, Laura 32, Doug 28, Carol 25
Who Stole Ed's Pants? - Gordon 7, Alf 4, Cynthia 4, Andrew 4
Love Letter - Henry 4, Carol 3, Dave 2, Andrew 1
6 Nimmt - Dave 46, Henry 51, Carol 63, Andrew 75
De Vulgari Eloquentia - Bob 52, Jenn 48, Leslie 45, Nick 37

De Vulgari Eloquentia image by Cássio F. Lemos on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 12/22/14.

Germantown 11/17/14

Attendance:  17

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Andrew, Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Henry Ho
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Subdivision - Jenn 120, Andrew 111, Nick 99, Dave 89
Age of War - Nick 11, Andrew 10, Dave 10, Jenn 5
Blue Moon City - Doug 5, Eric 4, Ethan 4
Istanbul - Bob 5, Leslie 4, Carol 4, Laura 3, Rich 2
Metro - Carol 59, Ethan 45, Leslie 44, Rich 30, Bob 29, Dave 27
Elevenses - Andrew 7, Doug 7, Nick 6, Jenn 5
The City - Bob 57, Dave 55, Ethan 48, Leslie 44, Carol 32
Russian Rails - Henry 468, Paul 434, Chris 384, Kelsey 302

Istanbul image by Andreas Resch on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 12/22/14.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Germantown 11/03/14

Attendance:  15

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Andrew, Noreen & Dave Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Abluxxen - Dave 14, Andrew 13, Laura 10, Carol 10, Leslie 7
San Juan - Doug 33, Jennifer 32, Nick 25, Henry 24
Samarkand - Kelsey 510, Chris 430, Randy 330, Eric 325, Bob 185
Pairs - Jenn, Doug, Nick, Henry
Pairs - Nick, Bob, Kelsey, Jenn -1, Chris -1, Henry -2
Castles of Mad King Ludwig - Andrew 98, Laura 81, Dave 78, Leslie 65
Camel Cup - Jenn 32, Chris 22, Nick 22, Bob 18, Henry 14
Australia - Eric, Doug, Carol, Randy, Noreen
Pairs - Andrew, Leslie, Bob, Dave, Chris, Henry
Pairs - Leslie 4, Dave 6, Henry 14, Chris 15, Bob 16, Andrew 23

Camel Cup image by Daniel Danzer on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 11/30/14.

Germantown 10/20/14

Attendance:  12

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Nick Ferris
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Around the World in 80 Days - Eric 67, Doug 72, Laura 82, Rich did not finish.
Takenoko - Leslie 31, Randy 26, Carol 26
Hexen Rennen - Randy 8, Carol 7, Leslie 4
Masons - Rich 134, Doug 115, Eric 110, Laura 108
Qwixx - Leslie 113, Doug 97, Carol 80, Randy 80
Francis Drake - Kelsey 100, Henry 94, Chris 89, Nick 81, Bob 80

Francis Drake image by Henk Rolleman on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 11/30/14.

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Germantown 10/06/14

Attendance:  18

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Dave, Noreen & Andrew Fair
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Benjamin & Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Kelsey Smith
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Age of War - Bob 9, Andrew 8, Leslie 7, Noreen 5, Eric 3
Dilbert: Corporate Shuffle - Leslie 14, Noreen 8, Eric 5, Andrew 5, Bob 4
El Grande - Carol 122, Laura 110, Randy 109, Rich 101, Dave 91
Dominion - Alf/Gordon 35 (tie), Rebecca 30, Cynthia 20
Age of War - Leslie 10, Noreen 10, Eric 8, Alf 7
Ghost Party - Randy -6, Eric -7, Dave -15, Rich -22, Leslie -23, Laura -29, Noreen -32, Carol -34
Attila - Rebecca 88, Gordon 80, Cynthia 66, Bob 61, Andrew 59
Russian Railroads - Paul 435, Henry 422, Benjamin 357, Kelsey 354

Dilbert: Corporate Shuffle image by Akke Monasso on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 11/02/14.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Germantown 09/29/14 - WORKER PLACEMENT

Attendance:  14

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Nick Ferris
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Ben & Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Howard Wagner
  • Chris Wottawa
On this fifth Monday of September, our special theme was Worker Placement Games.

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Cave Troll - Carol 82, Rich 80, Randy 79, Ben 55
Stone Age - Leslie 132, Howard 116, Doug 100, Eric 91
Pillars of the Earth (with expansion) - Bob 52, Kelsey 50, Nick 48, Chris 46, Laura 42, Henry 38
Race for the Galaxy - Leslie 30, Eric 24, Howard 19, Doug 17
Spyrium - Ben 72, Rich 59, Randy 39

Spyrium image by Daniel Danzer on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 10/05/14.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Germantown 09/15/14

Attendance:  12

  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Henry Ho
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Benjamin & Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Wottawa
Games Played (scores in order of place):

For Sale - Henry 57, Rich 48, Kelsey 41, Bob 39, Benjamin 39, Chris 37
7 Wonders - Rich 71, Bob 53, Benjamin 51, Chris 51, Carol 49, Doug 42
Ra - Chris 53, Bob 53, Doug 31, Rich 25, Ben 21
Euphoria - Nick 10, Jenn 7, Kelsey 6, Henry 5
Splendor - Chris 17, Bob 11, Henry 8, Doug 4

Euphoria image by Jamey Stegmaier on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 09/28/14.

Germantown 09/01/14

Attendance:  13

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Henry Ho
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Benjamin & Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Jack Ridgeway
  • Kelsey Smith
This Labor Day will forever be known as the Game Night Where We Played with Flashlights. Someone crashed their car into a power transformer or utility pole and knocked out our electricity at about 5:30, a half hour into our extended session. One group went upstairs to take advantage of the remaining daylight while the rest of us played on, using Bob's rather extensive number of flashlights. The power came back on at 9:15. 

Thanks to everyone for being such great sports!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Blue Moon City - Paul 4, Eric 3, Rich 2, Benjamin 2
Egizia -  Leslie 79, Nick 79, Jack 55, Jennifer 52
Tichu - Leslie/Jack 710, Nick/Jenn -110
R-Eco - Leslie 12, Eric 12, Jack 8, Jenn 3, Nick 2
Cheeky Monkey - Eric 34, Jack 30, Leslie 26
Caverna - Bob 89, Henry 78, Carol 68, Laura 35
On the Underground - Paul 42, Kelsey 38, Eric 37, Benjamin 33, Rich 33
Nacht der Magier - Leslie won, Carol, Bob, Henry

The completely apropos Nacht, which is played in the dark.
BGG image by HEZARD Michael.

Nacht with some light. Image by Kiko Fernandez Velasco on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 09/28/2014.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Germantown 08/18/14

Attendance:  20

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich & Ben Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Stephanie, Sammy & Chris White
  • Chris Wottawa
Welcome Kelsey, Chris Wo and Ben!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Yspahan - Bob 78, Ben 65, Chris Wo 64, Kelsey 58
Tichu - Nick + Jenn 1195, Leslie + Paul 205
Lost Cities the Board Game - Shannon 395, Aubrey 385, Eric 355, Randy 275
Splendor - Sammy 15, Chris Wh, Stephanie, Carol
Cheeky Monkey - Randy 30, Eric 22, Shannon 17, Aubrey 15
Cheeky Monkey - Shannon 39, Aubrey 36, Eric 16, Randy 13
Adel Verplifchtet - Leslie +3, Chris Wh +3, Sammy +2, Jenn -2, Nick -11
Qwixx - Leslie 74, Randy 50, Eric 40, Sammy 29, Chris Wh 27
6 Nimmt - No scores recorded (Sammy, Chris, Leslie, Eric, Randy)
Show Manager - Chris Wo 59 (tiebreaker), Paul 59, Ben 38, Bob 34, Stephanie 18, Kelsey 14
Praetor - Henry 196, Doug 189, Laura 177, Howard 166, Rich 77

Praetor image by deeug deeug on BGG.
Posted by Bob on 08/20/14.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Kosmos Two Player Series - Hera & Zeus by Richard Borg

Hera and Zeus depicts an epic struggle within Greek mythology. One player plays the father of the Greek gods, Zeus (Bob), while the other plays Zeus' wife, Hera (Carol). Zeus has kidnapped Hera's favorite human, Artus, while Hera has kidnapped Zeus' lover, Io. The players battle it out to rescue their hostage by deploying various mythical figures.

While each player's deck has its own beautiful artwork, each is identically strong, consisting of numbered cards which represent the card's strength in battle (0 to 7), to cards with no combat value but some mythological power, and some cards with both. The game starts with each player drawing nine cards and playing three face down in front of him to make three columns across from the other player's cards. Throughout the game you will play cards down into these three columns.

Hera goes first. On your turn, you have as many actions as you have columns. Actions include playing a card down into the playing field, drawing a card into your hand, attacking an opposing card in your opponent's front row, or playing a mythological action card from your hand. When you play down onto the playing field, you can put the card anywhere, even in front of other cards, with a maximum of four cards in any one column. The cards in your front line may fight the cards in the same column from the other player.

Combat is simple. If I want to use one of my front cards to attack its opposite number, I flip mine face up, declare the attack, and my opponent flips their card up. If they have a number card, we compare numbers and the smaller number is defeated and discarded. (Yes, it's somewhat like Stratego.) Cards behind it in the column move up one space. If the defender's cards have a mythological action, that action is activated and resolved.

The mythological cards have a variety of powers. The Medusa, for example, turns anyone who attacks her into stone but is defeated by the Hero or Amazon. Pythia (strength of 0) has several powers including being played from your hand to look at your opponent's hand or turn up all the cards face up in one column, or played on the playing field to beat the most powerful cards, Poseidon and Nemesis. Pegasus (strength of 1) can be played into the playing field as a numbered card or can be played from your hand to attack a card in your opponent's hand or on the playing field. There is a Hera card and a Zeus card and while they're played, you get four actions a turn, regardless of the number of columns. Sirens let you draw a card from your opponent's discard pile, while Hades lets you put a card from your own discards back into your hand.

What is really interesting about H&Z is that there are numerous ways for each player to win. You win if your opponent is forced to discard their hostage (Io or Artus) through combat or various mythological cards, if your opponent can't use all his allocated actions, if a player starts their turn with no cards in their playing area, or when Pandora is activated in the same column or hand as the hostage. Strategically, while you want to expand quickly to get your powerful cards into play, you have to be careful not to draw your hostage from your deck too early because the only time it's absolutely safe is when it's in your draw deck.

Bob's paltry forces

I started out badly, challenging one of Carol's front cards before I had built up my playing field and so was reduced to two actions for a couple of turns. I recovered and was lucky that Io stayed safely in my draw deck for a long time. There was a lot of back and forth with Carol having the upper hand most of the game and me struggling to keep up.

Unfortunately for her, Carol drew Argus and had to either get him down to the playing field or keep him in her hand where I might find him with Pegasus attacks. She put him down into her biggest column which was opposite an empty column on my side. I played Pandora opposite of this column and Carol attacked. Attacking Pandora is bad as it destroys all cards in the entire column for both players. In this case, that included Argus, giving me the game.

Coming up:  We return to Middle Earth with Lord of the Rings: The Search.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Germantown 08/04/14

Attendance:  15

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey Bell
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Gemblo - Bob 7, Ethan 8, Carol 9, Aubrey 11, Paul 15, Leslie 15
Thurn & Taxis - Doug 20, Eric 17, Laura 12, Henry 8
Drunter & Druber - Doug 11, Randy 10, Henry 6
Thunderstone - Gordon 21, Leslie 16, Aubrey 14, Alf 11, Cynthia 1
Qwixx - Alf 73, Cynthia 61, Leslie 61, Aubrey 59, Gordon 54
Splendor - Doug 16, Randy 8, Henry 7
Splendor - Henry 18, Randy 8, Doug 8
El Grande - Rebecca 102, Carol 101, Bob 99, Ethan 90, Paul 87
Qwixx - Carol 76, Leslie 62, Paul 44, Bob 37

Drunter & Druber image by Tomasz Serafin on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 08/17/14.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Kosmos Two Player Series - Gone Fishing! by Michael Rieneck

In Gone Fishing!, one player represents two Anglers (fishermen) out for a day of sport and the other represents the Fish. Each player plays one round as the Anglers, working their way around a lake, and one round as the Fish, trying to avoid being caught. Players only score points when they're the Anglers, and the highest score after each have had a go is the winner.

The Anglers confront the lake

The board is a four by four grid on which sixteen Lake tiles are placed by the Fish player so that the other player can't see them. The tiles include ten fish in a number of values, worthless junk like a tire, hat and shoe, and a diver who is also worthless but never comes out of the lake when caught. Surrounding the lake are a bunch of piers from which the Anglers try to catch fish in the row or column where they are moved.

Once the tiles are set, the Angler player moves one of his Anglers clockwise any number of spaces. The Fish player must then reveal to him one tile in that row or column. Typically, you show the Angler a tile he can't catch or one of little value. To catch a tile (not necessarily the one revealed), the Angler now plays one of his twelve Catch tiles (three tiles each of values 1 to 4) representing a distance. If he plays a 2 value Catch tile, for example, he'd catch the tile two spaces away from his Angler. He keeps whatever he catches, unless it's the Diver, discards the Catch tile from the game, and then must move his Angler an additional number of spaces, equal to the Catch tile played. Since the Angler only moves his two Anglers once around the lake, he has to be careful to not move them around too quickly. The diminishing number of Catch tiles also starts to limit his options.

After the Angler catches a tile, the Fish player can then move three Lake tiles through empty spaces. This is key as it allows him to move fish out of danger and onto spaces the Angler can't reach with his remaining Catch tiles. Early on, there isn't much room to maneuver, but as the tiles start being caught, good tactical moves become possible and really important.

Finally, each player has a few special tiles they can play on their turn. The Angler has one tile that lets him peek at a Lake tile and one that prohibits the Fish player from moving tiles that turn. The Fish player has three special tiles, two tiles that move an Angler forward one pier, and a tile that lets him switch any two tiles.

After one player has played the Angler, the two players switch, and the other plays the Angler. At the end of that round, whoever caught the highest value of fish wins.

Bob's catch.

I started out as the Angler and did pretty well, catching 24 points of fish, including the large 6 point fish. Carol was only somewhat effective in moving them into positions I couldn't reach.

Second round from the fish's point of view

On Carol's turn as the Angler, I was much more effective at moving my fish out of the reach of her Anglers. She didn't catch the high value 6 point fish, but did catch a lot of small fry, scoring 17 points.

Carol's catch

I enjoyed Gone Fishing which is certainly lightweight, although there is some strategy involved. As the Angler, there's a memory element where you try to remember the revealed Lake tiles in order not to waste your Catch tiles. As the Fish, there are lots of tactical decisions as you try to limit the Angler's options.

Coming up:  We play Greek Gods in one of our favorites, Hera & Zeus.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Kosmos Two Player Series - Perry Rhodan: The Cosmic League by Heinrich Glumpler

 Perry Rhodan is a popular science fiction book serial in Germany. In the game, each player is a trader, moving his ship among the six planets of a solar system, picking up and delivering goods and passengers. Each delivery wins the player the currency of the galaxy, the Megagalax, and the first player to accumulate 70 Megagalax wins. At the start of the game each player has five cards in hand, one container for holding goods, and may replenish his hand by one card at the end of his turn.

Goods awaiting shipment

On your turn, you may execute up to two Planetary Actions, one Flight, and may play up to two Intervention cards. Planetary Actions are (1) load a container, (2) unload a container, or (3) buy a technology. Loading and unloading is pretty straightforward. You take all of the cards on your current planet that have the same destination and put them on your container card. Containers can only be loaded once until they reach their destination and are unloaded, at which point the container can be reloaded with goods destined for another planet. When you unload goods, you get paid the value of the cards in Megagalax and flip the cards over to reveal the next destination on the other side. If you flip two cards that have the same destination, they are removed from the game, meaning that the goods available for shipping is constantly dwindling.

Buying a technology requires you to pay Megagalax to play a card from your hand to the table in front of you. Technology includes things like additional Containers for shipping goods, additional replenishment actions so you can redraw more cards at the end of your turn, and cards that let your ship move faster, farther, or execute Planetary Actions from orbit. The first technology card you play cost 1 Megagalax, the second 2, and so forth.

Taking one Flight on your turn means moving your ship from planet to planet. At the start of your turn you roll a die and may move that far. If you roll a one, you get to roll again and add the new number. What's interesting is that traveling towards the star is more efficient than traveling away from it (gravity and all) so it's faster to travel inwards.

Intervention cards can be played out of your hand. They let you do things like steal goods from the other player, execute an additional flight, switch the positions of the two ships, load goods from another planet, and deliver a passenger for 3 Megagalax. They can be cancelled by the other player playing an identical card.

The star acts as a score track

Carol and I stayed pretty close during the game. There's a similarity to Jambo in that you constantly gain victory points and then must spend some to increase your abilities. I really enjoyed the planning that went into efficiently picking up and delivering goods and the way that clever card play could foil your opponent. We both added technology and moved cards quickly. As we approached the goal of seventy points, we were almost out of goods to ship. I managed to secure the last couple of valuable lots and made it to seventy just ahead of Carol.

Coming up: We switch gears and take a leisurely afternoon off in Gone Fishing.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Germantown 07/21/14

Attendance:  18
  • Leslie Barkley
  • Noreen, Dave & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Henry Ho
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Cynthia Lewis
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Bill Salvatore
  • Arne Schwettman
  • Marianne Szlyk
  • Howard Wagner
Tonight we bid farewell to our good friends, Sarah and Arne, who have been with us since August 6, 2012, all too short a time. Recently married, they're moving back to Oklahoma for Arne's job. We wish them all the best and hope we'll game with them again soon.

Arne & Sarah

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Circus Flohcati - Dave 91, Andrew 86, Noreen 54
Uptown - Dave, Noreen, Gordon
Ticket to Ride: Asia - Howard/Leslie 152, Ethan/Marianne 145, Cynthia/Doug 142
Glen More - Jenn 48, Henry 43, Carol 43, Bob 42, Nick 18
Stone Age - Sarah 199, Andrew 192, Bill 150, Arne 116
Small World - Marianne 114, Ethan 94, Doug 87, Gordon 82,
Tichu - Howard/Noreen 1165, Cynthia/Leslie 735
Power Grid (America) - Henry 16, Dave 15, Nick 15, Carol 15, Bob 15, Jenn 14
Qwixx - Cynthia 108, Andrew 103, Gordon 93, Sarah 93, Noreen 84, Bill 80, Leslie 73, Arne 59
Qwixx - Arne 77, Bill 76, Leslie 55, Sarah 54, Cynthia 52, Noreen 46, Andrew 45, Gordon 33

Posted by Bob on 08/03/14.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Germantown 07/07/14

Attendance:  16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Shannon & Aubrey Bell
  • Noreen, Dave & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Henry Ho
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Arne Schwettman
  • Howard Wagner
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Splendor - Henry 15, Howard 14, Aubrey 8, Leslie 3
Gardens - Bob 8, Dave 7, Shannon 7, Noreen 4
Igel Argern - Noreen 3, Shannon 2, Dave 2, Bob 2
Blue Moon City - Leslie 4, Henry 3, Aubrey 3, Howard 0
Viva Java - Carol 24, Jenn 23, Arne 22, Andrew 20, Nick 20, Rich 18, Doug 15, Sarah 15
Qwixx - Aubrey 71, Henry 62, Leslie 53, Howard 50
Splendor - Henry 16, Arne 10, Doug 5
Qwixx - Henry 95, Arne 68, Doug 58
Pillars of the Earth - Dave 50, Bob 47, Shannon 46, Noreen 43
7 Wonders - Sarah 88, Leslie 70, Howard 65, Andrew 52, Aubrey 51, Carol 41
Lost City - Henry 44, Arne 35

Gardens image by Iván de la Fuente Misut on BGG.
Posted by Bob on 07/27/14.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Germantown 06/30/14 - POLYNESIA

Attendance:  21

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Shannon & Aubrey Bell
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Dave & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Caleb Hopkins
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Cynthia Lewis
  • Rich Parker
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Laura & Eric Reinhold
  • Arne Schwettmann
  • Marianne Szlyk
As this was the fifth Monday of the month, we held our second "theme" night, playing games with the same basic theme. Tonight's theme was Polynesia!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Kahuna - Cynthia 1, Leslie 0
Maori - Ethan 48, Laura 45, Doug 39, Rich 30, Sarah 28
Hotel Somoa - Andrew 163, Caleb 156, Marianne 153, Bob 126
Maori - Eric 37, Paul 35, Shannon 33, Arne 30, Aubrey 24
Forbidden Island - Shannon, Aubrey, Randy and Doug all won
Hanging Gardens - Rich 41, Sarah 38, Laura 31, Ethan 28
Hawaii - Dave 108, Carol 96, Nick 75, Jenn 72
Samurai - Paul, Caleb & Bob tied, Arne
No Thanks! - Nick 0, Dave -10, Carol -39, Jenn -65
Qwixx - Laura 84, Rich 64, Marianne 56, Ethan 50, Sarah 44
Qwixx - Laura 85, Marianne 78, Ethan 54, Rich 51, Sarah 47
No Thanks! - Dave -32, Jenn -34, Carol -46, Nick -53
7 Wonders - Andrew 58, Eric 55, Leslie 53, Cynthia 44,
High Society - Paul 2, Arne, 0, Caleb 0, Bob 0
High Society - Caleb 9.5, Bob 3, Paul 0, Arne 18 (lowest money)
Cave Troll - Doug 61, Randy 52, Aubrey 51, Shannon 34

Maori image by Ender Wiggins

Posted by Bob on 07/26/14.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Germantown 06/16/14

Attendance:  20

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Shannon & Aubrey Bell
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Dave & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Henry Ho
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Marianne Szlyk
  • Howard Wagner
Welcome, Jennifer!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Shadows over Camelot - Marianne, Carol, Aubrey, Shannon, Leslie, Jennifer won as the Loyal Knights. Nick lost as the Traitor,
Kemet - Gordon 8, Rebecca 8, Rich 5, Bob 3, Cynthia 1
Qwixx - Shannon 77, Marianne 71, Leslie 69, Aubrey 51, Carol 43
Helios - Andrew 92, Doug 86, Dave 85, Andrew 74
Emerald - Leslie 24, Aubrey 21, Carol 19, Shannon 15, Marianne 7
Russian Rails - Ethan 378, Paul 359, Alf 326, Henry 318
No Thanks - Rebecca 19, Cynthia 29, Bob 34, Gordon 53, Rich 85
No Thanks - Rebecca 13, Bob 36, Cynthia 40, Rich 51, Gordon 59
Sultaniya - Howard 41, Dave 37, Doug 36, Andrew 31
Splendor - Bob 15, Ethan 15, Marianne 12
Qwixx - Leslie, Henry, Carol, Paul
Qwixx - Paul, Carol, Henry, Leslie

Kemet image by dong hyuk song on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 07/13/14.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Germantown 06/02/14

Attendance:  13

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Dave, Corwin & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Henry Ho
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Jeremy Tuohy
Welcome, Rich!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Bang the Dice Game (3 games) Doug won twice, Corwin won twice, Sarah & Andrew won once, Jeremy played
Steam Park - Dave 100, Nick 96, Rich 55, Bob 48
Can't Stop - Corwin 3, Jeremy 2, Andrew 1, Doug 0
Russian Railroads - Henry 409, Carol 390, Paul 342, Leslie ?
Splendor - Henry 18, Carol 10, Leslie 10, Paul 7
Big City - Bob 133, Jeremy 72, Sarah 66, Andrew 61
Qwixx - Leslie 95, Carol 82, Henry 52, Paul 47
Qwixx - Henry 67, Paul 65, Leslie 54, Carol 52
Coal Baron - Dave 113, Doug 107, Nick 102, Rich 94
Qwixx - Bob 67, Sarah 60, Andrew 55, Jeremy 50

Coal Baron image by Pongrácz Zsolt on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 06/22/14.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Germantown 05/19/14

Attendance:  20

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Shannon & Aubrey Bell
  • Dave & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Henry Ho
  • Caleb Hopkins
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Rachel, Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Jeremy Tuohy
  • Stacia Ulissey

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Gemblo - Jeremy 11, Alf 11, Bob 12, Rachel 15, Cynthia 15, Leslie 16
Ingenious Travel - Aubrey 12, Shannon 11
Coal Baron - Dave 111, Nick 110, Caleb 105, Eric 100
Show Manager - Carol 49, Gordon 49, Henry 44, Stacia 38, Laura 18, Andrew 12
The City - Nick 80, Dave 61, Caleb 51, Eric 32
Qwixx - Stacia 68, Laura 68, Henry 45, Gordon 29, Andrew 25, Carol 16
Ra - Doug 43, Ethan 36, Leslie 33, Cynthia 31, Alf 29
Aladdin's Dragons - Rachel 8, Shannon 6, Bob 6, Jeremy 5, Aubrey 5
Splendor - Ethan 16, Doug 13, Alf 9, Cynthia 6
Aquarius - Aubrey, Shannon, Bob
Aquarius - Aubrey, Shannon, Bob
One Night Ultimate Werewolf - 5 games played (!). Most notable was Leslie's solo win as the Tanner.

Gemblo image by Roberto "Magoo" Montemor on BGG

Posted by Bob on 06/15/14.

Germantown 05/05/14

Attendance:  14

  • Leslie Barkley
  • David & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Caleb Hopkins
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Arne Schwettmann
  • Howard Wagner
Welcome, Caleb!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Elk Fest - Laura, Eric
Metro - Doug 43, Ethan 38, Howard 35, Bob 27, Leslie 25, Caleb 22
Splendor - Laura 15, Eric 13, Sarah 11, Arne 11
Principato - Nick 68, Carol 54, Andrew 50, Dave 44
Witch's Brew - Doug 18, Ethan 18, Leslie 18, Bob 17, Caleb 17, Howard 10
Splendor - Doug 16, Leslie 15, Bob 14, Caleb 13
One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Carol 3, Dave 3, Nick 2, Andrew 1
Zooloretto - Laura 30, Arne 25, Eric 24, Sarah 20
Bang Dice - Nick-Dave-Ethan won as Outlaws, Howard-Carol-Andrew lost
Bang Dice - Andrew-Arne-Nick won as the Law, Carol-Sarah-Howard-Ethan-Dave lost
Bang Dice - Andrew-Howard-Ethan won as the Law, Carol-Arne-Sarah-Dave lost

Splendor image by Henk Rolleman on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 06/15/14.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Germantown 04/21/14

Attendance:  15

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Dave, Noreen & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Henry Ho
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Arne Schwettmann
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe

Since the Jones family had just gotten back from England, the group met at Wegmans supermarket at 6PM in the cafe area. It seems like an excellent backup location and could certainly be the primary location on another night.

Thanks to Dave and Noreen for setting it up and to Dave for keeping the tally.

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Suspend - Andrew (w), David
Suspend - Andrew (w), David, Noreen
Suspend - Noreen (w), Andrew, David
Bang the Dice Game - Outlaws Andrew & David won over Renegade Noreen and Sheriff Nick
Bang the Dice Game - Outlaws Noreen & David won over Renegade Andrew and Sheriff Nick
Qwixx - Eric 77,  Arne 74,  Sarah 69,  Laura 68,  Randy 62
Suspend - Sarah (w), Noreen, Leslie
7 Wonders - Laura 71, Sarah 68, Arne 65, Eric 64, Randy 61, Noreen 60, Leslie 54
Russian Railroads - Henry 421, David 390, Nick 349, Andrew 349
Thunderstone - Rebecca 34, Gordon 30, Alf 19
Glass Road - Dave 23, Nick 20, Andrew 19, Henry 16
Qwixx - Randy 56 Arne 50 Sarah 50 Noreen 43, Leslie 43
Dominion - Rebecca 29, Alf 22, Cyn 19, Gordon 5

Glass Road image by André E on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 05/13/14.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Germantown 04/07/14

Attendance:  9

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Howard Wagner
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Jambo - Bob 65, Howard 64
Monkeys on the Moon - Eric 17, Randy 17, Doug 14, Bob 10
Russian Rails - Paul 437, Leslie 354, Carol 300, Laura 208
Qwixx - Leslie 82, Laura 51, Paul 47, Carol 40
Attila - Eric 80, Doug 78, Howard 65, Bob 62, Randy 59
Qwixx - Carol 98, Leslie 89, Paul 85, Laura 79

Qwixx image by André Nordstrand on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 05/12/14.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Kosmos Two Player Series - Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation by Reiner Knizia

As you might guess, Confrontation is based on the Lord of the Rings books and films and features artwork by John Howe who did artwork for the movies. One player plays the Fellowship whose goal is to get Frodo and the One Ring to Mordor while the other plays the forces of Sauron trying to either kill Frodo or get three evil minions into the Shire. If any of these goals is met, the game ends with a win for that player.

The Fellowship is ready to move out.

The board represents Middle Earth with sixteen areas such as Moria, Eregion, Gondor and Dagorlad The Shire and Mordor can hold four pieces, the Mountain spaces in the center can hold only one piece, while all others can hold two pieces. There are a few other geographical features which affect movement, including a tunnel through Moria which is great for the Fellowship, unless the Balrog stands guard.

Each player has nine pieces in the game, each with a unique power and each representing a member of the Fellowship or an individual or group working for Sauron, such as Saruman, the Witch King, Orcs, or Shelob. On your turn, you move one of your pieces one space forward (a couple pieces can move more than this or move in different directions). If there's an enemy piece in that space, you fight. Since you can't identify the enemy piece from the back, there is some risk involved in attacking. (If this sounds familiar, it is similar to the game Stratego, although Confrontation requires a LOT more thought and strategy.)

The powers of the characters are mostly thematic and add to the fun of the game. For example, Aragorn has flexibility of movement and can attack in any direction, not just forward. The Flying Nazgul can attack any single Fellowship piece anywhere on the board. Gimli automatically defeats the Orcs if he encounters them while Legolas automatically defeats the Flying Nazgul. Sam's strength is only 2, but if he's in a space with Frodo and they're attacked, he takes Frodo's place and his strength becomes 5.

Combat is a simple affair. Each piece has a combat value ranging from 0 to 9. Each player plays one of his hand cards to add to his value and the highest total value wins. The losing piece is removed from the board, while ties result in mutual annihilation. Each player also has Magic cards which can be played instead of a number card. These allow you to retreat, ignore the other player's number card, automatically kill both pieces, etc. The Dark player's cards have higher number values and the Fellowship player has an extra Magic card.

The Honored Dead await the next game.

What's remarkable about the game is how well balanced it is. Despite having eighteen game pieces, each with a different power and different goals, the two sides are evenly matched. I've played dozens, maybe hundreds of times, and it all comes down to strategy. There is no luck involved.

To make sure we both had an equal chance, Carol and I agreed to play the best out of three games. For the first game, I randomly drew the Fellowship. While Frodo managed to move towards Mordor and avoided death, he moved a little too slowly and before he could evade the last of Sauron's minions, Carol moved three pieces, the Black Rider, the Flying Nazgul, and the Orcs, into the Shire for the victory.

We switched sides and Carol took over the Fellowship to nearly identical results. Frodo evaded capture but I was able to get the same three pieces, the Black Rider, the Flying Nazgul, and the Orcs, into the Shire. This was a bit unusual because games usually end with the death of Frodo or the dunking of the One Ring.


For the final game, we randomly drew and I was once again the Fellowship, which had lost both previous games. I was more careful this time not to let Carol get any three pieces too near the Shire and combat took a huge toll on our pieces. But I gave as good as I got, resulting in my last four pieces being the four Hobbits which I thought was cool. Sam, Merry and Pippin gave their lives to save Frodo and soon it was the lone Hobbit against three Dark pieces. Carol did get one character into the Shire, but seeing that her remaining two pieces were too far away, I slipped Frodo past them to Mordor to destroy the One Ring.

Frodo in Mordor for the win.

Coming up:  For our twentieth game, we become pulp space heroes in Perry Rhodan: The Cosmic League.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Kosmos Two Player Series - Times Square by Reiner Knizia

Times Square is about competing night club owners trying to get the popular celebrities of the day to frequent their club.The board consists of a seventeen space street with a manhole in the middle. Players draw and play cards from the deck, allowing them to move the celebrities to get them to their side of the board. Each celebrity has special movement rules, so the game is a constant back and forth tactical challenge.

The celebrities in the game are Saucy Sue, whose cards allow her to move only one space at a time; Saucy Sue's two Bodyguards, who can move 1-2 spaces but must always stand on opposite sides of Saucy Sue; Handsome Hal, whose cards move him 1-3 spaces; and Dancing Deb whose cards will move her 1-5 spaces or back to the manhole cover and whose cards can be used as a joker to move other characters. Finally, there's Champagne Charlie, who can't be moved with cards, but moves toward a night club whenever Saucy Sue and both her Bodyguards are on one side of the manhole or when a player moves any celebrity onto their night club entrance spaces.

On your turn, you play as many cards of one color as you wish to move a character or characters. You may alternatively lure a character (except Dancing Deb) to Handsome Hal by moving them there without playing any cards. Once that's done and you've redrawn up to eight cards, you then move Champagne Charlie if appropriate.

If a player gets either Champagne Charlie or Saucy Sue to their night club entrance, they win. Otherwise, you go through the deck twice and when it runs out, whoever has Saucy Sue on their side of the board wins.

After much jockeying back and forth, neither of us could get Sue or Charlie to our night club to end the game. As we came to the end of the deck the second time through, Carol had Saucy Sue on her side of the board while I had one final turn, giving me an opportunity to win. Unfortunately, I didn't have the necessary cards in hand and couldn't bring her back to my side. Carol wins Times Square.

Coming up:  One of my favorites, wherein Frodo and the Fellowship of the Ring face off against the forces of Sauron in Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Kosmos Two Player Game Series - Dracula by Michael Rieneck

Oooh! Scary!  Dracula was a new acquisition, purchased after we started this series. In Dracula, completely unsurprisingly, one player plays Dracula while the other is his nemesis, Dr. van Helsing. Dracula's goal is to find all five Victim cards, adding them to his undead horde, while van Helsing is searching for Dracula's five Coffin cards. You also have four energy cubes which represent your life points. Lose your last energy cube and you lose the game. Carol played Dracula and I played van Helsing.

Each player has his own unique set of fifteen Encounter cards and ten Action cards. The Encounter cards are played face down on the board throughout the game and when one of the players moves onto the card, he may flip it up and encounter it. In addition to the Victim and Coffin cards, there are Vampires and Vampire Hunters (Companions) who will battle the other player and Symbols of Power which will damage the other player. 

The Action cards are played from your hand and determine how far your figure can move on the board, your combat strength in that turn, which color barrier you can place and may give you a special action (like taking an extra turn, picking a card out of the discard pile or giving you a bonus in combat). You only play one Action card each turn.

The board is a four by three grid depicting the streets of London with Dracula starting in the Harbor in one corner and van Helsing in the Carriage House in the opposite corner. Each player secretly selects six of his Encounter cards, puts all twelve cards together and shuffles them, randomly laying the a card face down on each space on the board. Then, each player draws five of his Action cards and you're ready to play.

On your turn you may move your figure as many spaces as you want, but the Action card you play must have that many movement points or you lose energy cubes for the excess. Once you stop on a space, you look at the Encounter card there. If the card you encounter is one of your own, you pick it up and may swap it with one of the Encounter cards not in play. You may then continue moving. If you encounter one of the other player's Companions, you fight the goon by playing an Action card and comparing combat strengths. If you win, the Companion card is discarded and replaced with one of yours. If you lose, you give up an Energy Cube. After you've moved and played your Action card, you may move one of four colored barriers which restrict movement to help you steer your enemy into dangerous areas.

The multi-purpose Action cards are an interesting twist. You may start the turn intending to play one with high movement points or a particular special action, but once you arrive, you find you need a higher combat strength in order to defeat the Companion on the space. Do you play a different card with fewer movement points and lose the energy cubes or be forced to play a different special action? There's also a heavy memory component as you need to remember where your opponent has played certain cards so you can avoid them and track the target cards.

Despite each player having unique Action cards, the game seems pretty balanced. Carol and I jockeyed back and forth for position, trying to find our target cards without getting beat up by the Companions. I was more successful in hunting down and defeating Carol's Vampires, but stupidly encountered Dracula's Amulet twice, losing two energy cubes in the process. After another encounter, I was down to one energy cube. I had found three of Dracula's Coffins and Carol had found three Victims when I stumbled on another of her Vampires. None of my cards in hand could win the combat, so I lost my last energy cube and the game.

All the cards turned face up after the game.

Coming up:  Dueling nightclubs compete for patrons in Times Square.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Kosmos Two Player Game Series - Odin's Ravens by Thorsten Gimmler

In this game, each player represents one of Odin's Ravens (see how that works?), Hugin or Munin, in a series of races. The winner of each race gets points based on how many spaces ahead he is when the race ends. You can also get three points in a race by winning "The Magic Way" competition. First player to twelve points wins.

The flight path is a series of nine terrain cards, each with one or two types of terrain. The cards are laid out at the beginning of each race so that no two types of terrain are in a row. Each player has his own deck of cards and starts the round by drawing five cards. Finally, a Magic Way card is turned up which shows either two types of terrain or one type of terrain and an Odin card.

Hugin and Munin
On your turn you can play up to three cards from your hand. The basic action is playing a flight card with a specific terrain to move your raven forward onto the next card in the flight path (for example, if the next card is a mountain, you play a mountain card and then move your raven onto that card). If you don't have the next terrain, you can play two matching cards as a joker to move onto the next card. Awesomely, if there are multiple cards with the same terrain ahead, for example, three lake cards, playing one of that type of card moves you all the way to the end of that terrain! So there's a big advantage in manipulating the terrain cards in the flight path.

How do you manipulate the flight path? Also available in your deck are Odin cards which give you special actions like rotating or changing the order of the terrain cards, placing the Odin marker in front of your opponent which requires them to play an additional card to move onto that terrain, adding landscape cards to the end of the line, rearranging your auxiliary stack, or moving your or your opponent's raven forward or back one space, respectively.

The Auxiliary stack on the left, the draw deck in the center and the discards on the right.
Another option is to play a card face down to your auxiliary stack, which is the key, unique mechanic in the game. In addition to playing three cards from your hand each turn, you can play up to three cards from your auxiliary stack, allowing you to play a maximum of up to six cards. The trick is, you have to create the auxiliary stack as you go by playing cards face down onto it. There's a complication, though, because you may not change the order of the cards. So if you need a card from your auxiliary stack that's under another, too bad, you have to play the card on top first. This requires a good deal of thought as you have to carefully plan the order in which you play cards into the auxiliary stack so that you can later play them in a devastating move.

You may also play a card to "The Magic Way". This card has to match either the terrain type or Odin card on The Magic Way card turned up at the start of the round. This card does nothing for you during the race, but the player who plays the most cards to The Magic Way by the end of the race gets three points.

The Magic Way
Finally, at the end of the turn you may add a new terrain card to the end of the flight path. Generally, you only do this because your opponent is close to winning the race and you hope to stop them. This can backfire because if they do finish, the get an extra point for traveling one more card.

Carol came out of the gate strong and won the first race by a whopping four cards and also played the most cards to The Magic Way for a total of seven points to my zero. I came back the next race with five points, two from the race plus three for winning The Magic Way. I won the third race by three, taking the lead, eight to seven. Carol won the next race by one card plus she won The Magic Way, making the score going into the last race eleven to eight. Carol then trounced me in the fifth and final race, scoring three for the race and three for The Magic Way for a final score of seventeen to eight.

Final scores:

   Carol      7 + 0 + 0 + 4 + 6 = 17
   Bob        0 + 5 + 3 + 0 + 0 =   8

Coming up: We visit Victorian England for a confrontation with Dracula.