Sunday, June 09, 2013

Germantown 06/03/13

Attendance: 12

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Cory Edwards
  • Nick Ferris
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Durch die Wuste - Eric 60, Aubrey 49, Laura 47, Nick 47, Shannon 43
Witches Brew - Carol 19, Doug 18, Ethan, Sarah, Cynthia (no other scores recorded)
Europe (prototype by Ethan) - Ethan 15, Doug 9, Sarah 7, Cynthia 7, Carol 6
Fortuna - Bob 22, Cory 21, Alf 18, Leslie 17
Mermaid Rain - Aubrey 43, Nick 28, Laura 27, Eric 27, Shannon 23
Blue Moon City - Ethan 4, Cynthia 2, Doug 2, Leslie 2
Yspahan - Bob 83, Nick 70, Carol 60, Sarah 60
Eminent Domain - Alf 30, Cory 26

Fortuna image by Antony Hemme on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 06/09/13.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Germantown 05/20/13

Attendance: 16

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Shannon & Aubrey Bell
  • Cory Edwards
  • Nick Ferris
  • Todd Heidenreich
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Arne Schwettmann
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Bohnanza - Sarah 9, Laura 7, Doug 5, Arne 5, Shannon 5, Aubrey 5, Cynthia 4,
Yspahan - Carol 69, Bob 68, Nick 62, Eric 59
Corruption - Nick 2.7, Carol 2.7, Shannon 2.4, Eric 2.1, Bob 1.4, Aubrey 1.0, Doug 1.0
Alien Frontiers - Corey 11, Leslie 9, Alf 7, Todd 7
Kingsburg - Cynthia 47, Randy 46, Sarah 40, Arne 39, Laura 38
San Juan - Bob 38, Eric 34, Carol 19

Corruption image by Sandy G. on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 06/02/13.