Sunday, January 10, 2016

Germantown 11/30/15

Attendance:  13

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Randy Hoffman
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Kelsey Smith
As this was the fifth Monday, we were supposed to do our Theme Night, but we pushed it back a week.

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Between 2 Cities - Nick 59, Jenn 58, Leslie 58, Kelsey 58, Laura 57, Carol 56, Rich 56
Metro - Bob 43, Randy 42, Eric 30, Cynthia 19, Alf 18, Gordon 15
God's Gambit - Jenn 16, Kelsey 51, Laura 69, Nick 98, Eric 146
Qwixx - Nick 122, Kelsey 79, Jenn 57
New England - Bob 34, Gordon 34, Alf 27, Rich 26
Concordia - Randy 147, Leslie 137, Carol 110, Cynthia 79
Blue Moon City - Gordon 5, Alf 3, Bob 3

New England image by Hazel Halliday on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 01/10/16.

Sunday, January 03, 2016

In Memory of Doug Hoylman

Doug Hoylman 1943 - 2015

Our good friend, Doug, died on Nov. 2, 2015. He was a regular member of GCOM Germantown from nearly its very beginning at the Borders Cafe up through our session on October 19, 2015. During his last session, he played the base game of Fresco with us (intending to play all the expansions over the next several sessions) and The Voyages of Marco Polo.

Doug will be remembered for his quiet good humor, his kindness and his keen intellect. Doug was a great person to play games with and will always be remembered by his friends at all the GCOM locations he attended.

Here's Doug's really complimentary and informative obituary from the Washington Post.

And here's a thread on Boardgamegeek.  Feel free to add your comments.

Farewell, Doug. We'll miss you.

Germantown 11/16/15

Attendance:  15

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Dave, Noreen, Andrew & Corwin Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Henry Ho
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Kelsey Smith

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Conquest of Orion - Nick & Kelsey 92, Andrew & Noreen 83
Shakespeare - Rich 19, Henry 14, Laura 13
Port Royal - Kelsey 12, Nick 6, Andrew 4, Noreen 3
Steam Works - Corwin 70, Jennifer 53, Eric 49
Qwixx - Andrew 90, Nick 76, Kelsey 71, Noreen 37
Qwixx -Noreen 117, Henry 98, Andrew 86, Corwin 86
Fresco (4,5,6) - Dave 156, Leslie 126, Bob 125, Carol 122

Shakespeare image by W. Eric Martin on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 01/03/16.

Germantown 11/02/15

Attendance:  12

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Dave & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Rebecca Holte
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Sears

Carol took over for Doug in our playing of Fresco and its expansions.

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Qwixx - Rebecca 115, Gordon 77
Qwixx - Rebecca 110, Gordon 95
Fresco (1,2,3) - Dave 118, Bob 113, Carol 88, Leslie 78
Splendor - Gordon 15, Rebecca 15
Splendor - Gordon 16, Rebecca 12
Nevermore - Gordon, Rebecca, Carol, Leslie, Dave, Bob
Kobayakawa - Dave 12, Leslie 4, Bob 4
Kobayakawa - Leslie 10, Dave 7, Bob 3
Steampunk Rally - Kelsey, Nick, Chris, Jenn, Rich, Andrew

Nevermore image by Curt Covert on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 01/02/16.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Germantown 10/19/15

Attendance:  14

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Paul Czarnota
  • Dave & Andrew Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Jennifer Glinzak
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Gordon Rotter
  • Kelsey Smith
  • Chris Sears
This was the last day that Doug played with us.

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Between Two Cities - Eric, Gordon 59 (tie), Nick 56, Andrew 56, Chris 55, Jenn 55
Cheeky Monkey - Nick 34, Gordon 31, Jenn 22, Andrew 6, Chris 5, Eric 1
Takenoko - Paul 28, Kelsey 18, Carol 14, Laura 12
Fresco - Bob 69, Dave 66, Leslie 64, Doug 56
Witches Brew - Eric 26, Gordon 21, Carol 16, Andrew 15, Laura 13
Samara - Chris 31, Jenn 17, Paul 14, Nick 9, Kelsey 7
Cheeky Monkey - Andrew 44, Carol 33, Gordon 13
Modern Art: The Card Game - Paul 82, Andrew 79, Gordon 68, Carol 54
Modern Art: The Card Game - Paul 66, Carol 59, Andrew 55, Gordon 43
Qwixx - Paul 55, Andrew 51, Gordon 45
The Voyages of Marco Polo - Dave 79, Leslie 64, Bob 44, Doug 35

The Voyages of Marco Polo image by Michael Wißner on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 01/02/2016.