Saturday, October 05, 2019

Germantown 08/05/19

Attendance:  10

  • Aaron Blair
  • Dave, Noreen & Alison Fair
  • Raul Hernandez
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Paul Kalomiris
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold

Games Played (scores in order of place):

The Quacks of Quedlinburg - David 68, Noreen 57, Leslie 53
Century: A New World - Raul 52, Bob 51, Eric 51, Aaron 50
Century: A New World - Laura 56, Carol 55, Alison 53, Paul 45
Lanterns Dice - David 41, Carol 33, Noreen 33, Paul 16
Bargain Quest - Leslie 12, Aaron 11, Alison 9, Raul 9, Bob 8

The Quacks of Quedlinburg image by Schwarzsturm on BGG.

And here's an image of the amazing upgraded bits Dave bought at the BGG store. Gorgeous.

Posted by Bob on 10/05/19.

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