Saturday, July 06, 2024

Germantown 04/29/24

Attendance:  7

  • Leslie Barkley
  • John Carroll
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Rich Parker
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Arkadia - John 147, Bob 97, Leslie 88
Skyjo - Bob 17, John 30, Leslie 36, Carol 51, Rich/Laura 59 (tie), Eric 71
Trekking through History - Rich 72, Eric 66, Carol 65, Laura 64
Unknown game - Carol 52, Rich 43, John 42, Leslie 35, Bob 33
 - Recorded the scores, but not the name of the game!

Trekking through History by Wouter (Tabletopping) on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 07/06/24.

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