Sunday, December 02, 2012

Germantown 11/19/12

Attendance: 14
  • Leslie Barkley
  • Laura DeWalt
  • Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Princes of Florence - Stacia 55 (won tie), Howard 55, Bob 53, Laura R 50, Carol 37
  - A great game that ended up very close.
Troyes - Nick 36, Laura D 32, Doug 22, Noreen 15
Terra Mystica - Eric 93, Dave 80, Alf 61, Leslie 56, Cynthia 43
  - Dave's first ever loss at this game.
Marco Polo Expedition - Howard 15, Laura R 14, Bob 12, Carol 9, Stacia 8

Marco Polo Expedition - Image by Pedro Godinho on BGG

Posted by Bob on 12/02/12.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Germantown 11/05/12

Attendance: 19

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Shannon & Aubrey Bell
  • Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Arne Schwettmann
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Gary & Crystal Stitely
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner
Nineteen gamers!  That's our biggest GCOM night since we left Borders!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

7 Wonders (teams) - Nick/Noreen (52+58), Stacia/Cynthia (44+59), Gary/Howard (58+35), Bob/Crystal (35+51)
Mah Jong (2 games) - Alf won one, Leslie won one, Laura, Shannon
San Marco - Gary 67, Shannon 63, Bob 61
Mah Jong (2 games) - Carol won one, Noreen won one, Alf, Leslie
Stone Age - Stacia 148, Nick 136, Howard 133, Cynthia 79
Puzzle Strike - Sarah, Arne
Carcassonne: Wheel of Fortune - Arne, Laura, Sarah, Crystal
Terra Mystica - Dave 100, Aubrey 96, Eric 80, Doug 72

Terra Mystica image on BGG by Henk Rolleman

Posted by Bob on 11/19/12.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Euro Quest 2012

Convention alert!  Euro Quest 2012 started today and continues through Sunday!  Tournaments, open gaming, prizes, lots of fun!

Details here:

Hope to see you!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Germantown 10/29/12

Sadly, records for this evening of gaming were lost.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Germantown 10/15/12

Attendance: 12
  • Leslie Barkley
  • Nick Ferris
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Arne Schwettmann
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
  • Gary & Crystal Stitely
Welcome to Gary and Crystal Stitely!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Bucket Brigade (one round) - Bob 19, Carol 16, Nick 16, Eric 15, Laura 14
The Settlers of Catan - Gary 10, Alf 8, Bob 8, Arne 7
San Juan - Nick 30, Eric 27, Leslie 25
Telestrations - Carol and Nick tied at 21, (other scores unknown) Sarah, Eric, Laura, Leslie, Cynthia, Crystal
Dominion - Alf 27, Arne 26, Gary 23, Bob 12
Tobago - Carol 33, Nick 32, Leslie 27, Eric 21
Zooloretto - Laura 33, Sarah 29, Crystal 24, Cynthia 24
Diamant - Sarah 51, Arne 27, Cynthia 25, Bob 22, Gary 17, Crystal 6, Alf 6, Laura 6

Tobago image by Paulo Soledade on BGG

Posted by Bob on 10/23/12.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Germantown 10/01/12

Attendance: 12

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Laura DeWalt
  • Nick Ferris
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Arne Schwettmann
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Adel Verpflichtet - Bob, Laura D, Nick, Laura R, Cynthia
Thunderstone - Carol 43, Eric 24, Alf 19, Doug 15
Poison - Laura R -9, Nick -15, Cynthia -16, Laura D -26, Bob (only two rounds)
Lost Cities Board Game - Leslie 490, Sarah 450, Arne 390
Alhambra - Carol 92, Leslie 85, Bob 75, Doug 72, Alf 48, Cynthia 44
Innovation - Laura D 4, Nick 3, Sarah 3, Arne 3

BGG image by Thomas P. Felder
Posted by Bob on 10/14/12.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Germantown 09/17/12

Attendance: 13

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Arne Schwettmann
  • Alf & Cynthia Shupe
Welcome to Alf and Cynthia Shupe!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

7 Wonders - Cynthia 56, Eric 52, Alf 46, Doug 45, Noreen 35
Battle Beyond Space - Bob 27, Dave 23, Nick 21, Leslie 12
Hanging Gardens - Carol 33, Arne 32, Laura 24, Sarah 21
23 - Bob 1, Dave -4, Nick -6, Leslie -7
23 - Nick -2, Leslie -4, Bob -4, Dave -6
Too Many Cooks - Doug 18, Alf 15, Cynthia 13, Noreen 9, Eric 7
Wyatt Earp - Laura 20, Sarah 13, Arne 13, Carol 10
Monty Python Fluxx - Alf won against Cynthia, Doug and Bob
Monty Python Fluxx - Doug won against Alf, Cynthia and Bob
Medici - Carol 99, Dave 96, Arne 91, Leslie 84, Sarah 79, Noreen 73

Medici image by Bob

Posted by Bob on 09/29/12.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Germantown 09/03/12

Attendance: 13

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Laura DeWalt
  • Andrew, Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Jack Ridgeway
Since it was a federal holiday, we started at 4PM rather than 7PM and played more games.  We broke for dinner and had grilled salmon and hot dogs as well as a variety of side dishes and desserts.

Thanks to everyone who brought food!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Ingenious - Ethan, Doug, Jack
Ticket to Ride Asia (teams) - Ethan/Doug 161, Carol/Jack 146
7 Wonders - Dave 70, Noreen 65, Andrew 64, Laura D 59, Nick 53, Bob 48, Carol 41
Dominion - Noreen 24, Laura D 21, Nick 20, Dave 02
Dominion - Nick 24, Noreen 21, Laura D 19, Dave 15
Aladdin's Dragons - Bob 7 (won tie), Laura R 7, Leslie 6, Andrew 6, Eric 4
Qwirkle - Jack 140, Doug 128, Ethan 120
Uptown - Laura 1, Ethan 2, Carol 2, Jack 3, Nick 3
Die Sieben Siegel - Laura D 0, Jack 18, Ethan 19, Nick 21, Carol 21
  - Wow!  0 points is colossal!
Castles of Burgundy - Eric 194, Laura R 190, Noreen 181, Doug 168
Lost Cities - Carol 111, Ethan 91
Ora et Labora - Dave 230, Bob 216, Leslie 197, Stacia 189
  - The new game by Agricola and Le Havre creator, Uwe Rosenberg.  A long game and deep, Dave squeaked out the win.

Ora et Labora image by Antony Hemme on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 9/13/12.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Germantown 08/20/12

Attendance: 13

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Arne Schwettmann

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Tichu - Noreen/Leslie 965, Carol/Nick 635
Cheeky Monkey - Nick 30, Leslie 20, Sarah 19, Arne 10, Eric 6
Excape - Leslie, Noreen, Nick
Excape - Nick, Noreen, Leslie
Zong Shi - Doug 42, Dave 41, Aubrey 40, Laura 34, Bob 34
  - This was our first game of this Master/Apprentice placement game with stunning, beautiful bits and it came out very close.  Check out the "jade" Buddha in the picture.
Masons -  Eric 126, Sarah 93, Arne 84, Shannon 78
R-eco - Leslie 10, Sarah 7, Eric 3, Arne 1
No Thanks - Dave 11, Doug 16, Aubrey 22, Laura 25, Bob 27

Zong Shi image by MyParadox on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 09/12/12.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Special Labor Day Gaming in Germantown - Sept. 3, 2012

Since it's a federal holiday, we're starting at 4PM and gaming until 10PM!  Dinner will be hot dogs and grilled salmon.

Hope to see you.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Germantown 08/06/12

Attendance: 10

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Nick Ferris
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Sarah Pimsler
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Arne Schwettmann
  • Sammy & Stephanie White
Welcome Arne and Sarah to your first GCOM Germantown session!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Pickomino - Sarah 7, Leslie 5, Eric 5, Nick 4, Arne 1, Doug 0, Laura 0, Ethan 0
Ivanhoe - Ethan, Leslie, Nick
Ivanhoe - Nick, Leslie, Ethan
6 Nimmt - Stephanie 11, Laura 22, Sammy 24, Leslie 25, Eric 27, Ethan 30, Arne 31, Doug 42, Sarah 44
7 Wonders - Laura 57, Eric 57, Doug 55, Arne 54, Sarah 49, Sammy 45, Stephanie 45

Posted by Bob on 08/16/12.

Germantown 07/30/12

Attendance: 5

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
While the Jones family was out of town, gaming still occurred!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Aquarius - Leslie, Eric, Laura
On the Underground - Eric 44, Leslie 42, Laura 38, Ethan 36, Doug 35
7 Wonders - Ethan 58, Doug 57, Eric 46, Laura 44, Leslie 39

Posted by Bob on 08/16/12.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Gaming in Middletown, July 28, 2012!


Middletown session begins at 3PM tomorrow. I will be providing 2 pots of chili. If you want to bring a side that would accompany the chili that would be swell. Mike Groshorn has indicated that he will be bringing corn bread and a fruit salad.

Hope to see all you here.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Germantown 07/16/12

Attendance: 11

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Nick Ferris
  • Alberto Garran
  • Esther Gonzalez
  • Ben, Carol & Bob Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner

Welcome to exchange students, Alberto and Esther!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Dixit - Carol 31, Ben 29, Leslie 28, Nick 21, Bob 21, Howard 15, Stacia 13
Medieval Merchant - Howard 41, Bob 34, Stacia 33, Leslie 33, Nick 29, Carol 28
Cheeky Monkey - Laura 37, Eric 33, Esther 10, Alberto 6
Cheeky Monkey - Laura 47, Esther 34, Alberto 18, Eric 5
Die Seiben Siegel - Stacia 9, Howard 10, Bob 14, Leslie 15, Carol 19
- Leslie had 4 points going into the last round and had the worst round ever.

Medieval Merchant picture by Alkis Moraitis on BGG

Posted by Bob on 07/21/12.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Upcoming Event! 2012 GCOM Family Picnic

GCOM Family Picnic

Sunday, July 22nd, 2012
Centennial Park
East Entrance
Pavilion H
4800 Woodlawn Rd
Off Clarksville Pike - Route 108
Ellicott City, MD. 21042

Join GCOM for fun, games, food and great times!  
Pre-Registration is required to attend. See below for details.

When: Sunday, July 22nd, 2012Picnic and Park Hours: 10am to 8pm. 
Grilled Food Service: 12Noon to 3 pm and 5pm to 7pm.  
The picnic will be held under a covered pavilion, and will take place rain or shine.
A private and large pavilion with a capacity of 300.

Food: GCOM will provide Hamburgers, hotdogs, and chicken on the grill, baked beans and assorted beverages.  We ask volunteer attendees to bring side dishes, snacks, and deserts. 

Available activities on site at our pavilion:  Open gaming, playground, beach volleyball, tennis court, basketball court, baseball field, open fields, horseshoe pits and a 2.5 mile hiking path around the lake.  Boat rentals are available at the lake.   

What to Bring: Your Favorite Games.  If you are interested in any sports activities you must bring along the appropriate equipment to play.   Anyone interested in coordinating special games or sporting events should post on our GCOM discussion forum at .  

Full Details HERE:

PRICE DROP Picnic prices are dropped by $10 per person. GCOM Patron and Supporting Members are Free. GCOM Associate Members and Guests are $10. Please read the important information under "Registration".   We want to give back to the members this is a way to say Thank You for your support over the years.

Admission is by Pre-Registration Only. No walk ins will be admitted.
Cost: GCOM Associate members and Guests: $20.
Supporting Members:$10. Patron Members: Free.
Children 17 and under: Free, when accompanied by a paying adult.
Above prices includes a $10 per person deposit to be paid by Friday, July 13th, 2012. Paid Picnic attendees will receive a $10 cash refund when they attend and sign in at the picnic.

*A Registration form is required for all attendees, including Patron Members and all those under 17.
Postmark deadline by Friday, July 13th, 2012
Make Checks out to: Games Club of Maryland, P.O Box 998, Ridgley MD. 21660

Saturday, July 07, 2012

Germantown 07/02/12

Attendance: 11

  • Leslie Barkley 
  • Dave, Noreen & Andrew Fair
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Doug Hoylman 
  • Bob Jones 
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold 
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Titan: The Arena - Eric 16, Andrew 9, Ethan 5
Alhambra - Stacia 169, Laura 159
The Flying Dutchman - Dave 86, Howard 85, Leslie 82, Doug 41, Noreen 26, Bob 0
  - Bob saw this on BGG, Dave owned it, so we brought it out.  This was fairly brutal, with the Dutchman constantly attacking Bob's poor choice of ships.  The top three players were very close.
Cheeky Monkey - Andrew 43, Eric 42, Laura 13
The Bottle Imp - Eric 112, Andrew 79, Laura 50
Tichu - Stacia/Noreen 1035, Dave/Leslie 665
Taj Mahal - Howard 50, Doug 49, Bob 34, Ethan 29
  - Congratulations to Howard for a huge comeback for his first Taj win!

The Flying Dutchman.  Image by BGG Admin.

Posted by Bob on 07/07/12.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Germantown 06/18/12

Attendance: 11

  • Leslie Barkley 
  • Nick Ferris 
  • Doug Hoylman 
  • Bob & Carol Jones 
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold 
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner
  • Stephanie & Sammy White
Welcome to the Whites, Stephanie and Sammy!  (Also, Chris, who didn't play any games.)

Games Played (scores in order of place):

6 Nimmt - Nick 16, Carol 18, Laura 30, Bob 37, Sammy 45, Stacia 47, Howard 52, Eric 56, Stephanie 60, Doug 67.
Around the World in 80 Days - Eric 73, Leslie 73, Sammy 78, Doug 88, Carol and Stephanie did not finish.
El Grande - Laura 79, Nick 76, Stacia 72, Howard 72, Bob 60
  - Bob was behind the entire game, while everyone else jockeyed for the lead, and managed a third round comeback, taking control of several territories. Unfortunately, the emptying of the Castillo before scoring cost him three of those territories.
Poison - Carol 18, Eric 23, Sammy 24, Doug 27, Stephanie 33, Leslie 40.
Crokinole - Bob, Sammy.

Poison image by Chris Norwood on BGG.

Posted by Bob on 06/24/12.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Germantown 06/04/12

Attendance:  11

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Aubrey & Shannon Bell
  • Andrew, Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold

A good night for Eric and Leslie!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Big City - Eric 77, Andrew 62, Doug 52, Noreen 51, Dave 31 (Dave got hammered by parks and the factory)
Tower of Babel - Leslie 61, Bob 53, Shannon 50, Aubrey 43, Laura 42
  - We played without the Action cards (the Knizia variant) and found it improved the game.
7 Wonders - Eric 64, Bob 60, Shannon 56, Noreen 55, Aubrey 51, Laura 47
Pantheon - Leslie 84, Dave 79, Andrew 73, Doug 69
Carcassonne - Carol 80, Shannon 73, Noreen 67, Aubrey 47, Bob 43

Tower of Babel by BGG Admin
Posted by Bob on 06/05/12.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Germantown 05/21/12

Attendance:  10

  • Leslie Barkley
  • Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner
Yay!  We were very happy to welcome Leslie back to the group after her long recovery!

Games Played (scores in order of place):

Diamant - Laura 26, Howard 24, Eric 19, Stacia 16, Nick 14, Doug 12, Noreen 0
6 Nimmt - Doug 8, Noreen 16, Nick 26, Howard 27, Leslie 36, Stacia 50, Laura 53, Eric 92 (ouch)
Princes of Florence - Stacia 57, Howard 55, Nick 48, Laura 46, Bob 41
Rheinlander - Carol 37, Leslie 30, Eric 26, Noreen 22, Doug 22
Big Points - Eric 38, Doug 37, Noreen 25

Posted by Bob on 05/30/12.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Brunswick Railroad Days

Also in Brunswick . . . the city has asked us to run a table at Railroad Days, this would be similar to what some of our Eastern MD compatriots do for the Laurel Main St. festival. I'd love some help doing a bit of community outreach and with the railroad theme there are some nice gateway games like Ticket to Ride that make an easy connection.  The festival is October 6 & 7, so we have time, but I wanted to get it in on people's calendars. 

Brunswick 05/19/12

Ok, so it's been awhile since I've posted any news from Brunswick, but our regular sessions are still going strong.  Last Saturday we had 10 altogether, including a welcome return by Leslie.

In attendance:

Karl Musser
Joel Halpern
Beth Warren
Mark Broksi
Brian & Lije Carpenter
Leslie Barkley
Pete Thomas & kids

Games played:
Vegas Showdown
Ticket to Ride: Switzerland
Last Will
Eminent Domain
Tribune (twice)
Pocket Battles: Celts vs. Romans
D&D: The Legend of Drizzt

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Germantown 05/07/12

Attendance:  11

  • Dave & Noreen Fair
  • Nick Ferris
  • Ethan Goffman
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Parade - Nick -6, Noreen -10, Dave -12, Eric -14, Laura -32
Snow Tails - Ethan, Dave, Eric, Doug, Laura
6 Nimmt - Ethan 18, Bob 35, Doug 41, Carol 62, Laura 66, Dave 79, Eric 89
Tichu - Nick/Stacia 1025, Howard/Noreen 675
Tichu - Nick/Noreen 1070, Howard/Stacia 630
Tichu - Nick/Howard 1045, Stacia/Noreen 255
The Bottle Imp - Carol 90, Bob 46, Dave 45

BGG Photo of Snow Tails by Gary James
Posted by Bob on 05/19/12.

Germantown 04/30/12

Attendance:  7

  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob & Carol Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Arkadia - Laura 102, Doug 99, Bob 88, Eric 75
Goa - Howard 38, Stacia 34, Carol 32
Die Sieben Siegel - Bob 6, Howard 10, Doug 11, Stacia 14, Carol 15
  - If not for a bad first round, Howard might have won this.

BGG photo by John Aminass

Posted by Bob on 05/19/12.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Germantown 04/16/12

Attendance:  11

  • Dave, Noreen & Andrew Fair
  • Doug Hoylman
  • Bob, Carol & Ben Jones
  • Eric & Laura Reinhold
  • Howard & Stacia Wagner
Games Played (scores in order of place):

Pandemic - Ben, Andrew, Doug, Bob - Played at the highest level of difficulty, we cured two diseases, but the human race lost.

Ave Caesar - Eric 14, Howard 11, Noreen 9, Stacia 7, Dave 5, Laura 1
Africa - Bob 55, Andrew 47, Doug 43, Ben 42
Witch's Brew - Eric 32, Laura 28, Carol 25, Doug 22
Last Will - Bob -6 (tiebreaker), Howard -6, Dave -3, Stacia -1, Andrew 17.

Last Will - picture by AndriusLT on BGG

Posted by Bob on 04/19/12.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Frederick Gaming

The last two months of gaming were held at the Glade Valley Rehab Center where I, Leslie Barkley, was getting rehab for her shattered tibia. No notes were kept of games played or attendees. Perhaps someone will keep notes of tomorrows session at the Common Market as it is unlikely I will make it due to a backlog of work.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

15th Annual GCOM Game Days!



April 26th - April 29th, 2012

Holiday Inn
9615 Deereco Road
Timonium, Maryland 21093

Thursday, April 26th at 10AM through Sunday, April 29th at 6:00 PM
Over eighty (80) hours of available open gaming time! 

What:Four days of open gaming. Open to the public. Have fun, learn, bond, make friends and compete with the best group of gamers around. The camaraderie is great! The convention known for learning new games by experienced Game Masters. 

Pre-registration:Sign up on-line with PayPal
Deadline: Friday, April 13th, 2012.
All Four days $40. Any one day $15.
GCOM Supporting Members: All Four days $35. Any one day $10.

Registration at the Door:
  • Four Days: $50, Three Days: $40, Two Days: $30, One Day: $20. Sunday Only Special: $10.
  • GCOM Supporting Members: Four Days: $45, Three Days: $35, Two Days: $25, One Day: $15.
  • Seventeen and under: $5 per day. Must be accompanied by a paying adult.

  • For more info:  GCOM Game Days

    Tuesday, April 10, 2012

    Germantown 04/02/12

    Attendance: 7

    • Noreen & Andrew Fair
    • Nick Ferris
    • Bob & Carol Jones
    • Eric & Laura Reinhold

    Once again we had seven players.  We hadn't played Seven Wonders in a while, so that seemed natural.  Congratulations to Laura for winning her first game, a game I thought I had sewn up.

    Games Played (scores in order of place):

    Seven Wonders - Laura 75, Bob 65, Nick 57, Carol 49, Noreen 40, Andrew 39, Eric 36.
    Top Secret Spies - Nick 43, Bob 41, Laura 41,  Carol 39, Noreen 38, Eric 38, Andrew 30.
      - For fun, about 2/3rds of the way through the game we each secretly wrote down which color spy we thought each player was.  Only Nick and Bob got it right.

    Posted by Bob on 04/10/05.

    Germantown 03/19/12

    Attendance: 11

    • Laura DeWalt
    • Dave, Noreen & Andrew Fair
    • Nick Ferris
    • Doug Hoylman
    • Bob & Carol Jones
    • Eric & Laura Reinhold
    • Stacia Wagner

    Welcome, Laura D, to GCOM Germantown!

    Games Played (scores in order of place):

    Hornochsen! - Dave 8, Doug 26, Eric 27, Laura R 36, Stacia 46, Noreen 58
      - This was pretty much a rout by Dave.
    Honor of the Samurai - Carol 400, Bob 275, Andrew 250, Laura D 210, Nick 190
      - We haven't played this samurai-themed card game in years.  I was wanting to play as my homebrewed cards were recently the subject of some discussion on Boardgamegeek.  Fortunes were wild as usual in this game but everyone except Andrew neglected to attack Carol when she was Shogun and poised for victory, and so we suffered a sudden and disappointing loss.
    Ticket to Ride Asia - Dave and Noreen 183, Eric and Laura R 154, Stacia and Doug 142
    Alhambra - Bob 97, Carol 84, Laura D 83, Andrew 65, Nick 53

    Honor of the Samurai homebrewed cards.

    Posted by Bob on 04/10/12.

    Germantown 03/05/12

    Attendance: 6

    • Dave Fair
    • Nick Ferris
    • Doug Hoylman
    • Bob Jones
    • Eric & Laura Reinhold

    I'm not sure this has ever happened before.  We played ONE game.  With six players we happily brought out Power Grid: Japan.  And we played it wrong.

    Games Played (scores in order of place):

    Power Grid - Eric 16, Dave 15, Nick 13, Doug 13, Bob 13, Laura 13.

    It turns out that Dave' deck of power plants was missing a few cards and we didn't notice.  Lacking certain plants gave an advantage to those who invested early in nuclear power.  It didn't really taint the victory, however, because anyone could have invested in nukes early.  As it was, Eric and Dave crunched the rest of us.

    The Japan board.  Photo from BGG

    Posted by Bob on 04/10/12.

    Sunday, March 04, 2012

    Germantown 02/20/12

    Attendance:  3

    • Nick Ferris
    • Bob Jones
    • Stacia Wagner
    Likely due to the holiday and the nearness of Prezcon, we mustered only three stalwart players.  Still, some great gaming ensued.

    Games Played (scores in order of place):

    Crokinole - Nick 175, Bob 60
     - It should be noted that prior to the last turn, the score was a respectable 85 to 60 in Nick's favor.  Nick scored 90 points on the last turn making this a complete blowout.
    Stone Age - Stacia 200, Bob 146, Nick 136
     - Stacia crushed us by collecting all eight different symbols on the cards.
    San Marco - Nick 74, Stacia 72, Bob 65
     - Bob was ahead after both the first and second scoring rounds but was completely shut down by Nick and Stacia in the third.  He also made one bad split that resulted in Nick and Stacia getting an extra turn without him.

    Posted by Bob on 03/04/12.

    Germantown 02/06/12

    Attendance: 7

    • Nick Ferris
    • Doug Hoylman
    • Bob & Carol Jones
    • Eric & Laura Reinhold
    • Stacia Wagner

    Having seven players can be challenging in finding games to play. We managed quite well.

    Games Played (scores in order of place)

    7 Wonders - Eric 76, Carol 67, Stacia 57, Doug 56, Nick 53, Laura 51, Bob 40

    Shadows Over Camelot photo from BGG.

    Shadows Over Camelot - An epic battle of good versus evil.  The good Knighs of the Round Table, Doug, Nick, Carol, Eric, Stacia, Laura and Bob, started out with some early victories and really favorable card draws.  The Saxons and Picts were unusually peaceful, the Black Knight easily dispatched, and most effort spent searching for the Grail and Excalibur.  As the game wore on, however, the seven Knights more and more often took grievous bodily wounds as their evil action, endangering their very lives.

    No traitor was evident, though the Knights watched closely for any traitorous activity and some had suspicions.  Then, at a particularly weak moment for the Knights, a Morgan card was drawn, doing one point of damage to each Knight.  Unfortunately, loyal Knights Doug, Carol and Nick succumbed to their wounds, leaving Eric, Stacia, Laura and Bob to face an increasingly bleak situation.  Fearing that a traitor would quickly end the game, Stacia asked Bob whether she should accuse Laura, whom she had long suspected of being a traitor.  Bob nodded in agreement.

    Laura was accused and revealed herself to be a loyal Knight of the Round Table.  The balance was quickly shifting to evil.  Laura took her turn and it fell to Bob.  To Eric's indignant protest, Bob accused Eric of being the traitor.  Eric exposed his Loyalty card, declaring that Bob had cost the group the game, which was entirely true.

    Bob flipped his own card, showing himself to be the traitor and capturing the victory for himself alone.

    Posted by Bob on 03/04/12.

    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    Germantown 01/30/12

    Attendance:  9

    • Dave & Noreen Fair
    • Nick Ferris
    • Doug Hoylman
    • Bob & Carol Jones
    • Eric & Laura Reinhold
    • Stacia Wagner

    Games Played (scores in order of place)

    7 Wonders - Bob 69, Eric 64, Nick 63, Stacia 62, Doug 62, Carol 54, Laura 49
    Cambria - Stacia 20, Dave 19, Nick 9, Bob 9
      - We played this game incorrectly due to the terrible rulebook and actual printing errors on the gameboard.  We'll try it again another time.
    Roll through the Ages - Carol 27, Laura 20, Eric 14, Noreen 8
    Liar's Poker - Dave, Stacia, Nick, Doug, Bob
    Around the World in 80 Days - Stacia 75, Dave 77, Noreen 80, Doug 81, Bob 83, Nick did not finish.

    Posted by Bob on 02/28/12.

    Saturday, February 25, 2012

    Germantown 01/16/12

    Attendance:  10

    • Dave & Noreen Fair
    • Nick Ferris
    • Ethan Goffman
    • Doug Hoylman
    • Bob & Carol Jones
    • Eric & Laura Reinhold
    • Stacia Wagner
    Games Played (scores in order of place):

    6 Nimmt - Doug 21, Bob 24, Ethan 34, Stacia 40, Noreen 45, Carol 45, Dave 49, Laura 57, Nick 64, Eric 67
    Rheinlander - Dave 34, Eric 32, Bob 27, Carol 25, Laura 22
    Alhambra - Stacia 109, Nick 83, Doug 73, Noreen 68, Ethan 64
    Crokinole - Nick 135, Stacia 10
    Witches Brew - Bob 26, Doug 24, Ethan 17, Carol 11
    Tichu - Dave/Noreen 1055, Nick/Stacia 845

    Posted by Bob on 02/25/12.

    Saturday, February 11, 2012

    Get well soon, Leslie!

    Our good friend, Leslie, has been back and forth between the Rehab Center and the hospital since she broke her leg four weeks ago.  A blog has been set up to monitor her progress.  Check it out here:

    Leslie's Shattered Tibia

    Come back soon, Leslie.  We miss you.

    Saturday, January 14, 2012

    Germantown 01/02/12

    Attendance: 9

    • Leslie Barkley
    • Nick Ferris
    • Doug Hoylman
    • Bob & Carol Jones
    • Eric & Laura Reinhold
    • Howard & Stacia Wagner
    Hey!  It's the first session of the New Year!  Here's looking forward to many great gaming experiences in 2012.

    Games Played (scores in order of place)

    Front Line - Doug 54, Nick 35, Eric 25, Carol 25, Leslie 23
    Stephenson's Rocket - Bob 69,000, Stacia 60,000, Howard 54,000, Laura 51,000
      - A game I really love but rarely play.  I'm hoping to bring this out more often.  This was a particularly brutal game.
    Modern Art Card Game - Laura 88, Stacia 86, Howard 85, Bob 80
    Crokinole - Bob/Howard 100, Stacia/Laura 0
    Crokinole - Nick/Howard 65, Stacia/Leslie 50

    At Howard and Stacia's request, we brought down the Crokinole board and had a great time with it.
    My board, Dynasty.

    Posted by Bob on 01/14/12